
Use of state support tools to ensure food security of institutions of the penal correction system

The relevance of the study is due to the problems of ensuring food security of the penal system. One of the main directions for the development of agricultural and agrarian production based on the institutions of the penal correction system is the desire for self-sufficiency through the production of agricultural products, raw materials and food. The use of additional State instruments will increase crop space and production of agricultural products, raw materials and food, achieve high performance and achieve a stable level of food security in correctional institutions. As part of the preparation of this work, the authors studied the theoretical aspects of the implementation of support programs for agricultural producers in Russia, analyzed the statistical data of the investigated problem sectors, located in open sources and on official websites, as well as the materials of these sectors submitted to the author at the official requests carried out within the framework of the implementation of applications of the Department of Logistics of the Federal Penal Correction Service of Russia, formulated conclusions and proposals. As a result of the study, it is shown that the main obstacle to the inclusion of agricultural-related auxiliary farms and enterprises in State support programmes is the absence of a narrow agricultural specialization, which allows generating income in this area of not less than 70‰ per year.

Conservation, replenishment, study of genetic collections and isolation of new sources and donors of genetic and physiological systems that increase productivity and crop yields

The aim of the research is to assess the effectiveness of innovative technologies for the creation of high-yield, abiotic and biotic-resistant environments, varieties of spring wheat and oats. According to priority breeding technologies, which came out of the theory of eco-genetic organization of quantitative characters (TEGOQC) genotypes (ancestors and parents) were selected with the maximum contribution to productivity of one (or more) of 7 genetic-physiological systems (GFS). From their crossing along the diallel scheme, a variety of Grenada spring wheat was created, combining the contributions of the top five GPS. The variety is included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in the Ural (9) region of the Russian Federation, exceeds the yield standards by 10-12 c/ha. According to the technologies derived from TEGOQC, varieties of spring wheat have been created: 1) Irene with maximum contributions to the yield of GPS attractions, micro-distributions, adaptability, (yields of up to 68 c/ha), much higher than standards (Irgin, Tyumen early, and Arcas), and 2) variety Catherine with a total contribution to the yield of GPS (80-82 c/ha). Irene and Catherine are zoned, respectively, to 1-4, 9-11; and 4,9,10 regions of the Russian Federation. The Atlet oat variety zoned in the 9 region is characterized by good work of the GPS attraction, polygenic immunity of adaptability, forms an average grain yield of 52 c/ha (higher than the Sprint standard 2 on 13.3‰, and the forerunner varieties Garland and WW 17064 - on 8.3 - 20.1‰). The Uralets variety with the positive contribution of GPS adaptability and polygenic immunity, zoned in 10 regions, produces an average grain yield of 50 c/ha (above the standard for 5.8 c/ha) and a green mass of 382 c/ha (above the standards for 10-20 c/ha).

Issue № 11, November 2019, article № 14

Directions and mechanisms for improving the methodology of effective functioning of the meat livestock industry in russia

The relevance of the study is offset by a number of factors: the high social significance of poultry production, providing demand for a wide range of low-income groups of the population; beef cattle breeding is a key industry ensuring the consumption by man of essential amino acids and proteins, which are the basis of his biological, physical and mental development; participation of the country in international organizations, unions implying obligations to comply with the norms and rules of functioning of the markets for meat, raw materials and food; the creation and operation of information and trading platforms, based on the technology of a distributed registry (block chain), for settlements, the functioning of the national currency in the format of a token (crypto currency) and the conclusion of SMART agreements (smart contracts) and more. The relevance of the research topic is also determined by the high degree of knowledge of the functioning of meat farming in Russia. The problem, the solution of which the research is directed, is to break the emergence of production and management technologies in the agricultural sector of the economy, in general, and the livestock industry, in particular, and their implementation. The hypothesis of the study is that the methodology for the effective functioning of the meat industry in Russia is determined by modern directions, mechanisms based on the use of digital production and management technologies. The purpose of this study is to identify areas and mechanisms for improving the methodology of the effective functioning of the meat industry in Russia. Research objectives: to characterize the current state of the meat industry in Russia; to study the key problems hindering the development of the industry in question; identify areas and mechanisms for improving the methodology of the effective functioning of the meat industry in Russia; to formulate the content of the directions and mechanisms for improving the methodology of the effective functioning of the meat industry in Russia.