
The main directions of development of peasant land ownership in region

The use of land resources of farms needs to be improved. Conducting agricultural production in this form of management meets the economic and social interests of the rural population, provides the prerequisites for the preservation of the rural way of life. The current state of the agricultural economy does not provide favourable conditions for the development of small and the creation of new farms. There are two groups of problems hindering the development of peasant land ownership: external and internal. The main of these problems are manifested in the difficult conditions for the creation and expansion of peasant land use, the presence of shortcomings in the organization of the territory of peasant farms, the complexity of preserving the land and property complexes of peasant farms, the lack of a unified system of organization and organization of the territory of peasant farms, the irrational use of land resources of peasant farms. To create General prerequisites for the development of agricultural and peasant land ownership, it is necessary to improve the system of land management used in agricultural production, with appropriate regulatory, organizational, scientific support. Requires the development of the practice of development of pre-project and project organizational and territorial documents in relation to peasant land ownership, covering all stages of the land management process: from forecasting the use of land farms and the design of individual land uses to the implementation of project development in the territory. The implementation of these measures is aimed at improving the peasant land ownership, the organization of rational use of land farms, the development of multicultural agriculture.

Issue № 12, December 2019, article № 10

State support for creation and development of training centres in agriculture of the region

One of the main tasks of the development of agribusiness in the Tomsk region is the sustainable staffing and development of the human resources of the region. The solution to this problem is partly possible through the integration of agricultural institutions of the Tomsk region and leading agricultural producers - this will create a system of training specialists that will attract young people to agricultural educational institutions who have previously decided on the choice of their professional path, and this is impossible without government intervention. This is the only way to create conditions for the formation and development of human capital in the region, which will increase the competitiveness of agricultural organizations and agriculture in general. In this regard, at the state level, the need to create training centres was recognized as one of the directions for implementing the conceptual approach of state support for the development of human capital in agriculture of the Tomsk region. The activities of training centres are designed to concentrate within their walls the training and advanced training of leading personnel and agricultural specialists. The centres are focused on training integrative specialists with a certain reserve of professional knowledge and abilities. It is not only about the formation of practical skills and abilities among graduates, but also about the development of the most significant universal human qualities and properties that, in the course of labour activity, the development of new production technologies, will allow you to dynamically change the acquired profession or specialty.

Issue № 12, December 2019, article № 11

Improving the efficiency of milk production in agricultural organizations

Providing the population with dairy products in accordance with the medical standards of consumption in the region involves increasing the efficiency of production of all dairy-grocery sub complex and in particular the production of milk in agricultural organizations as subjects sub complex. Improving milk quality contributes to the growth of profits of dairy enterprises and agricultural organizations by increasing the range of products, increasing the share of demanded dairy products and reducing processing costs, technological losses, marriage. The algorithm of milk distribution for the production of dairy products, allowing to form its range depending on the quality of raw materials in order to obtain greater profits. The distribution structure is based on the content of fat in raw milk and provides for the stimulation of agricultural organizations to produce their own raw material of high quality with greater fat content. In the production of dairy products, when using raw materials with a fat content of 4‰, the costs of auxiliary materials, electricity, and water are reduced by 4.0-5.0‰. Improving the quality of products (cheese, cottage cheese) contributes to profit growth by 8.0-10.0‰, butter-65‰ by reducing the consumption of raw materials by 20‰. Increasing the range of milk, kefirs, yogurt of different fat content from (0.5 to 3.2‰) contribute to the growth of profit at the level of 35‰ of the profit of milk production.