
Issue № 1, January 2020, article № 10

Forecast of production of the main types of agricultural products in stavropol region

For effective management of economy of the region directed to restructuring and modernization, development of enterprise cooperation and interregional integration there is a relevant need for a comprehensive investigation of regional developments, in particular, identification of regularities and studying of the created tendencies in the local grocery markets. The logic of the real research of a state and development of the local grocery markets of production of agriculture assumes coverage of the following main directions: assessment of current situation in the corresponding local market of production of agriculture for Stavropol Krai; studying of interrelations between groups of endogenous and exogenous variables, identification of the cause and effect relations and assessment of narrowness of communication between the studied indicators; the organization of process of creation of the econometric models identifying a state and development of the local markets of production of agriculture; forecasting of production of main types of production of agriculture in Stavropol Krai. The offered methodology of a research provides realization of econometric modeling and forecasting of key indicators of a state and development of the local grocery markets. As a result of a research the technique of forecasting of production of main types of production of agriculture in Stavropol Krai has been offered and approved.

Issue № 1, January 2020, article № 11

Definition of the main parameters of the market of land plots for agricultural purposes by the regions of the central economic district

The methodology for identifying market activity and patterns of market price formation for agricultural land plots based on the use of the econometric model of multiple regressions was tested on the example of the regions of the Central Economic Region as part of the Central Federal District. Estimated pricing factors are established and models for the formation of a specific market price for agricultural land plots in the regions of the Central Economic Region are built taking into account their geographical location. It has been established that activity on the secondary market of agricultural lands is determined by the structure of ownership forms on them, the income level of the population, and the socio-demographic and natural-economic characteristics of the region. The difference in prices for agricultural land between the regions is due to the size of plots, differences in socio-demographic factors, proximity to Moscow and the Moscow region, to regional centres. The proposed technique can be used to analyze market activity in different segments of the agricultural land market, to forecast market prices for agricultural land in the regions of the federal districts of the Russian Federation. The conclusion is drawn on the need for state regulation of market transactions with agricultural land, which should consist in maintaining their target destination, taking into account regional specifics, the fight against monopolistic manifestations.

Issue № 1, January 2020, article № 12

Methodology of updating cadastral land valuation in conditions of digitalization of agrarian economy

Objective necessity of development of methodology of actualization of a cadastral estimation of the grounds of the agricultural purpose, corresponding is shown to requirements of the market in conditions of formation of digital economy. The modern condition of methodical maintenance and results of carrying out of a cadastral estimation of the agricultural grounds are analyzed. The conclusion about necessity of cardinal perfection of estimated methodology in view of occurring digital agrarian manufacture is done. Essentially new methodical approaches to carrying out of a cadastral estimation of the grounds on the basis of the analysis and the forecast of results of agrarian manufacture are theoretically proved. The concept of a method of actualization of an estimation of cadastral cost agricultural lands based is presented on: share distribution of economic result of agrarian manufacture between the ground rent and the income of the businessman; multi aspects a choice of estimated agricultural crops (groups) and levels of management of agrarian and industrial complex; multi-variant approaches of ways, criteria and mechanisms of calculations; optimization of structure of areas under crops; use of the actual initial given agricultural organizations from their annual reporting with the subsequent statistical processing. Calculations are carried out in an automatic mode in the economic-mathematical model created on the basis of the form of the annual reporting agricultural organisation on plant growing (№9-AIC), using the information of the arch reports the agricultural organizations, country (farmer) facilities and individual businessmen. The received results are represented in the special table and are compared to results of the previous estimations of cadastral cost of farmland.

Issue № 1, January 2020, article № 13

Issue № 1, January 2020, article № 15

Conceptual aspects of formation and development of agro-industrial policy in the context of development of integrated structures

In the structure of each region, the agro-industrial complex is an important component for budgeting and ensuring food security. Today, the subjects of agro-industrial policy are traditionally classified as: the state, regions, large-scale agro-industrial business, agro-industrial associations and unions, clusters, chambers of commerce and industry of the Russian Federation and regions. All this necessitated the development of conceptual aspects of the formation of agricultural policy and was reflected in the chosen topic. As part of the preparation of this work, the author studied the theoretical aspects of agro-industrial policy. In particular, the concepts of agro-industrial policy, agrarian policy, agro-industrial complex are clarified; analyzed the statistical data of the agricultural sector of the Republic of Bashkortostan; new approaches and criteria for assessing agricultural policy are identified. As a result of the research, the concept of the formation and development of agro-industrial policy of the region based on the creation of integrated structures is proposed. An example of the activity of such an integrated structure is the TOR Corporation (Republic of Bashkortostan). The innovative product of this corporation is Agropolis, an eco-settlement for rural areas with non-linear architectonics using energy-efficient technologies and alternative energy sources. The construction of "agricultural cities" would solve the problem of the sustainability of young agricultural specialists in rural areas and providing them with modern housing that meets international environmental standards.

Modern internal and external threats to development of the agrarian sphere of economy

The development of the agrarian sphere of the economy is significantly influenced by external and internal threats. However, given the increase in foreign sanctions against Russia, domestic threats must first of all be taken into account, as their prevention, mitigation and elimination depend directly on the country’s own capacity. They occur and can manifest themselves under many adverse factors and conditions. Among the most key economic threats to the development of the agrarian sphere of the country should be: the continuing structural deformation of the domestic economy; Sluggish current innovation and investment process, weakening of scientific and technical potential of certain industries of agro-industrial complex; A long-standing trend towards turning Russia into a fuel and raw material periphery of economically developed countries; The country 's continued high import dependence on selected food and agricultural commodities, as well as on the means of production; Large-scale outflows of Russian capital abroad; Deepening the property stratification of society into a narrow circle of rich and a dominant mass of low-income citizens in conditions of reduction of real incomes of the population; External debt of countries with excessive openness of the national economy, especially its agricultural sphere and, above all, agriculture; Continued criminalization and corruption in the national economy.