
Issue № 2, February 2020, article № 14

Use of statistical methods of quality management to estimate production stability

The article presents scientific studies to assess the stability of production and the level of defectiveness of food products (for example, meat products) produced in the agricultural production cooperative «Ermak» of the Omsk region. In order to study the degree of customer satisfaction with the quality of food products, an analysis of complaints on semi-finished products produced by agricultural production cooperative «Ermak»was carried out. For this, on the basis of studying the requirements for the quality and safety of semi-finished products, as well as the requirements for the process of their production, information on non-conformities is systematized in the form of a tree diagram. To assess the level of defectiveness, statistical control methods were used - a checklist for registering defective products and a Pareto chart. The most common defects of meat semi-finished products produced in the agricultural cooperative have been identified: extraneous taste, crumbly and tough consistency. The analysis made it possible to identify priority areas for increasing customer satisfaction, namely the unconditional fulfilment of product safety requirements and improvement of its organoleptic characteristics. Based on the Pareto diagram, an analysis of the possible causes of complaints has been carried out and measures have been proposed to reduce their number, which is reflected in the developed quality management scheme for meat semi-finished products in agricultural production cooperative «Ermak»

Issue № 2, February 2020, article № 15

Foreign trade operations in terms of food embargo

The role of agricultural production in the Russian economy is clarified. The instruments of state regulation of foreign economic activity in the sphere of agriculture are defined. The necessity of import substitution and problems in its implementation are considered. The conclusion is made about the success in solving the problem of import substitution. The role of foreign trade in providing conditions for the development of agricultural production is determined. The legal basis for the creation of export-oriented industries in the agro-industrial complex of Russia is named. The conclusion is made about the increase in exports of food products and agricultural raw materials. The share of agricultural products in the total volume of exports of the Russian Federation is determined. The dynamics of deliveries of food products and agricultural raw materials from the CIS and non-CIS countries was compared. The conclusion is made about a significant excess of food exports from the Russian Federation to foreign countries over exports to the CIS countries. The leading export commodity of agriculture of the Russian Federation is named. The conclusion is made about a significant increase in exports from Russia of wheat and meslin. The dynamics of imports of food products and agricultural raw materials is considered. The convergence of the value indicators of food exports and imports was found out. The need to diversify the structure of exports by types of goods and importing countries is justified.