
Issue № 3, March 2020, article № 14

Economic and legal mechanisms of state policy for the development of pig breeding industry in the russian federation

The hog industry is an object of State regulation, the importance of which is due to the large contribution of the industry to the country's food supply and its impact on related sectors of the economy: mechanical engineering, chemical, light, food processing and others. The article discusses the main economic and legal mechanisms of the state policy for the development of the hog industry in the Russian Federation. The author identifies macroeconomic instruments that have an indirect impact on the development of the hog industry, such as fiscal and monetary policy, the formation of an investment climate, antitrust regulation, anti-inflation strategy, and product quality control. Such instruments of state regulation which have a direct impact on industry actors are also considered: concessional lending, restriction of imports, compensation of capital investment costs. The article identifies the main changes that have occurred in the mechanism of state support for domestic producers of hog products over the past years. The results of the state policy in relation to the level of self-sufficiency in pig breeding products, volumes of imports and exports, sizes of production capacity and others are analyzed. The author highlights the urgent problems of the industry and points to new challenges that the current state of the industry in Russia and the world dictates.

Once again on improvement of legislative support of selection and seed production in the russian federation

The method of improving the functioning of the infrastructure of the agricultural land market consists of successive stages: definition of the content of the concept, peculiarities, components of the infrastructure of the agricultural land market, implementation of the model of a universal tool - a specialized portal. The agricultural land market infrastructure is a collection of market-oriented institutions that speed up or constrain land market operations. The formation of infrastructure, the quality of servicing of transactions for the purchase and sale of agricultural land are influenced by the selection of an evaluation company, a trading platform, a credit institution, an insurance organization, services, their internal connections, conditions, positive and negative effects (internals). A single electronic access point is a model information system that provides structuring of statistical, legal, scientific information, justification of agronomic, economic, consumer values of land, updating of cadastral and market value of land plots, communication of agents, actors, provision of services, bidding, auctions, conclusion of sales and sale transactions, rental, maintenance of market development. This system of direct and reverse relationships of organizations, small forms of economic management, content managers, market agents takes into account the interests of participants in land relations and is aimed at optimizing demand and supply for agricultural land.

Issue № 2, February 2020, article № 10

Improvement of grain processing technology through implementation of innovative solutions

Currently, the use of new ingredients (plant origin) in technology to improve the quality of flour and bread is very important for industrial enterprises (flour and bakery). The main goal is to correct the shortcomings of the raw material (grain) and give the final product the desired consumer properties (nutritional and biological value). In the work, promising directions for improving the quality of grain were proposed; the advantages of using dry wheat gluten in industrial production were substantiated; the variants of enrichment of flour and bread with premixes (vitamin and mineral complex) are given. Also in the context of identified trends and improve resource-saving (use of secondary raw materials and waste), expand choice, improve nutritional and biological value of bread and bakery products and their production with the set functional and health properties, as well as manufacturing products of medicinal and special purpose, designed and economically justified innovative project organization formation of the composite flour mixtures using vegetable raw materials at JSC «FM «Voronezh». Financial and economic evaluation of the project confirmed its feasibility, as well as the effectiveness of the proposed design, technical and technological solutions. The research was based on General scientific approaches and methods. Dialectical methods, scientific methods of theoretical and empirical group also found application.

Issue № 2, February 2020, article № 11