
Issue № 4, April 2020, article № 10

Trends in the development of agribusiness in horticulture

The article considers the current state and strategic directions of the development of domestic horticulture. As part of the study, it was found that despite the increase in gross harvest of fruits and berries observed over recent years, the volumes of Russian production do not satisfy the domestic demand for fruit and berry products. The dynamics of bookmarking perennial plantations in the Russian Federation is shown; the main indicators of the development of gardening in Russia are listed. The development of domestic horticulture is facilitated by the measures of state support, as well as the implementation of investment projects. The main measures of state support for horticulture, which include the development of horticulture and nursery farming, concessional lending, reimbursement of part of the cost per 1 unit of bookmarking and planting care, are considered. State financial support for gardening is one of the drivers for the development of the regional agro-industrial complex, where gardening is a traditional industry. Based on the experience of leading horticultural agricultural organizations, it was determined that further development of the industry is possible through the introduction of intensive and innovative technologies, which will make it competitive and increase productivity. As part of the ongoing government support measures, the main indicators of the development of the horticultural industry by 2024 are identified.