
Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 18

Issue № 5, May 2020, article № 1

Ecological and economic efficiency of land use: methodical aspect

Agriculture is not only significantly dependent on the native environment, but also actively affects it, and above all, the level of soil fertility. This determines the need to take into account the impact of agriculture on the parameters of soil fertility reproduction when evaluating the efficiency of land use. For this purpose, it seems appropriate to use a system of indicators of ecological and economic efficiency of land use. Currently, various methods are proposed for this purpose, which indicates that there are no generally accepted approaches to this issue. In accordance with this, we have carried out a certain systematization of methodological approaches to this issue. In our opinion, the quantitative measurement of the ecological and economic efficiency of land use in agriculture should be carried out by a system of indicators based on the use of cost and natural cost forms of indicators of land transfer and land intensity, taking into account the environmental impact. Environmental impact is defined as the total value of the indicators of environmental effect and environmental damage expressed in cost form. Ecological effect is formed as a result of extended reproduction of soil fertility, environmental damage - as a result of narrowed reproduction. The use of this system will allow an objective assessment of the ecological and economic efficiency of land use and at the same time ensure uniformity and compatibility of assessment by various agribusiness entities.

Issue № 5, May 2020, article № 2

Social and economic efficiency of integrated structures functioning in the regional agri-food complex

At present moment the national agrarian policy is directed to the achievement of import substitution in the food provision of the population and growth of agri food complex export potential of the country. For this perspective the active state support of the forming and functioning of integrated systems (IS) is carried out. At the same time social and economic efficiency of their activity remains without proper attention. The researchers note that the concentration of material-technical and land resources in large integrated structures of agri food complex has the negative influence on the carrying out of the agriculture multifunctional role. Conservation of rural way of life has the social value for the society; therefore the development of rural territories is urgent. Business structures are more socially responsible if they are formed by the representatives of local community. They know and observe the standards, rules and interests of the rural community, interact with local authorities in the issues of the development of rural territories. As a rule, business structures are regionally directed if they have long-term and lasting development perspectives. When forming interregional agro holding, the territories with high level of social and economic development can count on the mutually beneficial cooperation. Economically weak regions lose their tax base and work places due to the transfer of the manufacture.