
Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 7

The trends in the development of technical and technological basis of agriculture

The dominant trend in the development of the material and technical base of agricultural producers is significant reduction in the machinery and tractor fleet at a relatively low rate of renewal, which led to the decrease in the level of provision with basic types of equipment and energy supply. Despite the drop in the level of equipment availability, agricultural producers of the Russian Federation were able to significantly increase the productivity of all major agricultural crops. Since the beginning of the 2000s, livestock production has witnessed the rapid development of pig and poultry farming, which has exceeded the pre-reform volumes of pork and poultry meat production. The growth of state support for livestock farming allowed of significant increase in the productivity of cattle, but its growth did not compensate for the reduction in livestock. In developing the country's livestock breeding development strategy, the priority was given to the development of large-scale production and the construction of large complexes and mega-farms, involving the concentration of livestock and poultry with high genetic potential and the use of innovative technologies for farm animal management. The key tasks of modernizing the technical and technological basis of livestock farming were to create integrated conditions for the introduction of innovative technologies, primarily through the construction of new and reconstruction of existing premises, the acquisition of modern systems of machinery and equipment, the formation of a stable forage base, and the increase of the genetic and productive potential of livestock and poultry.

Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 9

Organizational and economic mechanism for the formation of agricultural labour resources in the context of the development of the digital economy

Currently, the transition of agriculture to digital technology is underway. The digital transformation of agriculture significantly changes the process of formation of labour resources of the agricultural sector of the economy. And this, in turn, entails the need to adapt the existing staffing mechanism of the agro-industrial complex sectors to new challenges. The digital transformation of agriculture will increase the creative component of labour, due to the implementation of monotonous, dangerous and routine work using digital technologies; however, this will require greater mobility, flexibility and competencies in interacting with robots and artificial intelligence technologies with labour resources. This article is devoted to the development of the organizational and economic mechanism for the formation of agricultural labour resources in the context of the development of digital technologies. In order to concretize the conceptual-categorical apparatus, the dialectic and abstract-logical methods were used, while illuminating the views of scientists on the problem under study, a monographic method was used. The structure of the organizational and economic mechanism aimed at the formation of the agricultural labour force in the context of digital transformation has been developed. The main blocks of this mechanism include: targeted, organizational - economic, motivational, retraining and training. This organizational and economic mechanism will contribute to the formation of agricultural labour resources, capable of mastering digital technologies. In accordance with the target block, it is assumed that by 2021 the number of jobs related to information technology, processing large amounts of data and cyber physical systems (Internet of things) in agriculture should be at least 8‰, and by 2024 at least 20‰, at 1‰ of these places at present. The digital transformation of the industry will increase the motivation of citizens to realize their labour force in agriculture by reducing the level of occupational injuries and occupational diseases, reducing the severity and monotony of labour, and increasing wages due to the polarization effect.

Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 10

Territorial features of milk production dynamics

The relevance of the problem is predetermined, first, by the significant role of dairy cattle breeding in achieving the established parameters of the food security Doctrine of the Russian Federation. Secondly, there is an importance of those specific changes that will determine the trajectory of the industry's development in the regional aspect. Moreover, special attention should be paid to regions that have a number of advantages in terms of agro biological and natural-climatic potential. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to study the territorial characteristics of the dynamics of milk production in the North-West, due to the fact that this region has the necessary areas of land resources suitable for the production of feed, as well as high-quality breeding herd of cows and modern innovative technologies. The study analyzes the dynamics of resources and use of milk and milk products in the Russian's subjects of the Northwest Federal district identified trends in size of production and consumption of milk and dairy products per capita, the structure of milk production in the region, the growth rate of milk production, livestock and productivity of the cows in the territorial aspect. It is shown that at the current level of demand and supply of milk and dairy products at the expense of local production in the food market of the north-western Federal district, they do not meet the recommended medical standards of 325 kg per capita, being lower: on demand by 20‰, and on offer-by 59‰.

Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 11

Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 13

Problems and prospects for assessing the ethno-economic potential of a halal food production in the republic of bashkortostan

Despite the globalisation of the world, ethnic issues have recently become more and more popular not only among historians, ethnographers, but also among economists. There is world's growing demand for ethnic tour, ethno culture, the ethnic music, ethno sectarian, rapidly developing ethnic fashion and ethno dizayn. At the same time, the state of the modern Russian village in most regions leaves much to be desired, although it is the village that is the main guardian of the customs and traditions of the peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation. Given the huge ethnic and economic potential of multinational Russia and the growing demand for ethnic products, the development of ethnic entrepreneurship can now become one of the "growth points" of the country's rural economy. The article analyzes foreign and Russian regions' experience in preserving and reviving ethno economics industries on a new market basis. The article outlines promising forms and directions of ethnic entrepreneurship in the field of food production in relation to specific cities and municipal districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan. In the study, given the extant skills of the indigenous Bashkir population of the South-Eastern districts of Bashkortostan in the production of national products, stable demand growth in Russia and in the world to a healthy functional food, the expediency of organizational and financial support primarily the production and sale of ethnic food products, including those certified by the standards of "Halal".

Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 16

Grain and leguminous crops modeling yield in the long-term climate change conditions

Grain and leguminous crops yield forecasting model in the Russian region in a changing climate is presented in the article. The forecast is given for the short-term medium-term and long-term period. The model is given by the linear regression equation, in which variables are such climatic indicators as: the sum of daily precipitation in the region from April to August and the sum of average monthly temperatures for the same period. The regression equation is composed of statistical data for the Tambov region from 1995 to 2018. The climate forecasting data such as average monthly air temperature and average monthly daily precipitation in the region obtained from the INM-CM4 Russian Sciences Academy Computational Mathematics Institute climate model were used to calculate the short-term, medium-term and long-term forecast. The scheme for converting climate modeling data from the CMIP6 models complex format into the office data processing format is given in this article. The result of the work is a short-term forecast of the yield of grain and leguminous crops in the Tambov region for the next 3 years: 2019 -2021 and long-term forecast for 2030, 2040, 2050, and 2100. Studies have predicted a decrease in the yield of cereals and leguminous in the Tambov region before the end of the 21st century by an average of 24‰ under the influence of a changing climate. In conclusion, a recommendation is made on the expansion of reclaimed land in the region.