
Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 1

National food independence in crisis

Pandemic made us look differently at the globalization of world economy and significance of independence of national states in the provision of population with vital goods. Measures taken for the protection from the spread of coronavirus led to the break of the chains of agricultural production and food promotion between the countries. In these conditions, the significance of independence in food provision increases. At present time the agro food policy of Russia is directed to the achievement of food self-production of the country. However, food self-production of the country is not identical to the food independence. Level of the self-production reflects the actual demand in agricultural production, raw materials and food, taking into account personal consumption according to the norms of rational nutrition. Independence achievement in the food provision predetermines the choice of optimal solutions in issues of import and export in conditions of economic and food crises. Russia hasn’t managed to carry out total import substitution in food provision; however, the dependency on the food import has decreased significance. Besides, it’s necessary to increase not the grain export but the products of its processing. In conditions of economic crises, the significance of population’s economy contributions in the forming of food resource increases. Self-provision with food will allow decreasing of negative influence of the decrease of economical availability of the food.

Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 3

System of technical excellence for the agro-industrial complex of russia

The article presents the author’s vision of the composition of the national innovation system for the agricultural sector of Russia. The proposed innovation system should contribute to the creation of more technically excellent equipment of domestic production used in agriculture. It is realized through the formation of the national agrarian consortium. On the level of theory and methodology, the basis of the consortium is the triple helix innovation model and the system of systems principle. The establishment of the national agrarian consortium involves the voluntary participation of interested organizations of three institutional sectors - agricultural science, business, and government. The main task of the consortium is to provide favourable conditions for innovation activities in the agricultural sector. The article provides a list of questions addressed by the consortium: determining the most important and priority issues of basic and applied research, developing a forecast and strategy for the technological development of agriculture in Russia, creating an effective system of commercialization of scientific ideas in the field of agriculture, etc. Ultimately, the activities of the consortium are directed to achieve technical excellence in the agricultural sector and obtain the competitive advantage by Russian agricultural companies relative to foreign ones. The formation of the all-Russian innovation system in the agricultural sector based on the national agrarian consortium will also lead to increased entrepreneurship in the institutional sectors of science, business, and government.

Issue № 6, June 2020, article № 4

Technology transfer and digitalization of agriculture: interaction efficiency and development prospects

The prospects for the development of agriculture in Russia through the use of the digital economy in the transfer of technologies are determined. It is established that in order to improve the financial and economic results of agricultural production of economic entities, it is advisable to use new technologies, including as a method of agricultural land use, carried out in a single digital space. In modern economic conditions, there are objective prerequisites for the development of environmentally friendly agriculture by agricultural producers, and its implementation by Executive authorities and management of the agro-industrial complex. The subject of the study is the organizational and economic processes associated with the transfer of technologies, namely, the transformation of part of agricultural production in an environmentally friendly way, through the use of digital economy tools. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify problems and develop directions for technology transfer, development of organic agriculture, and determine the composition of costs associated with technology transfer in the transition to environmentally friendly agriculture. Solving this issue will ensure the formation of effective agricultural production while maintaining the production potential of the industry in the context of existing organizational and economic problems. The practical significance of the results obtained is determined by the fact that the tools proposed in the article for regulating technology transfer in agriculture are appropriate for practical use and will ensure the improvement of the existing structure of the market for agricultural products in the production of environmentally friendly products in a single digital space.