
Issue № 7, July 2020, article № 6

Economic potential of leasing in the conditions of agro-industrial complex modernization

The article discusses the role of leasing in the modernization of the agro-industrial complex of the Moscow region. The level of agriculture development in the Moscow region was based on historical retrospective and current state of rural areas. The author concluded that the high competitiveness of agriculture in the Moscow region, as evidenced by high rates of agricultural production and sustainable growth acreage of agricultural crops. As of 2018 the Moscow region for the production of agricultural products occupies the 13th place in Russia and the 6th place among regions of the Central Federal district. At the same time, analysis of the state of material-technical provision of agriculture in Moscow region is evidence of insufficient technical equipment functioning in the region agricultural organizations, a high degree of physical and moral depreciation of fixed assets, low level of introduction of new technologies in the agricultural activities of enterprises. Encourage agricultural producers to modernization of the Park of agricultural machinery and the introduction of digital innovation in conditions of scarcity of financial resources intended Federal leases. A comparative analysis of the terms in the leasing of agricultural machinery in the leading leasing companies was presented. There were existing subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment in the Moscow region, the main directions of modernization of preferential leasing system in agriculture.

Issue № 7, July 2020, article № 7

Development of educational programs of agrarian universities in the context of the implementation of the strategy for improving financial literacy

The article is intended for the prospects of implementing the Strategy for improving financial literacy in the Russian Federation for 2017-2023 in relation to the field of agricultural education. The main legal documents on financial literacy of the population are analyzed and the priority directions of its development are justified. Based on the analysis of the bachelor's degree programs of the enlarged group of specialties 35.00.00 "Agriculture, forestry and fisheries", implemented in the Russian State Agrarian University – MTAA named after K.A.Timiryazev, a conclusion is made about the incomplete formation of competencies related to financial literacy. To implement the recommended Strategy required mastery of universal competencies in the field of economic culture, including financial literacy, graduates at the bachelor (specialist) in all areas of training and professions, the proposed model is modular and flexible discipline "Fundamentals of Economic literacy" for all bachelor of the enlarged group of specialties 35.00.00 "Agriculture, forestry and fisheries". The principles of forming a universal modular economic discipline are formulated. The need to revise the traditional formats of conducting the educational process, the organization of modularity of the learning process with a focus on teamwork of professors of different departments who read basic economic disciplines is noted.

Issue № 7, July 2020, article № 10

Economic justification of soybean processing

In recent years, there has been an increase in domestic agricultural production due to active state support through special programs for the agricultural sector. However, far from all representatives of agribusiness have decent financial results that allow them to remain competitive and effectively develop. The limited financial capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises do not allow attracting the necessary volumes of external financing or timely fulfilment of loan obligations. The main way to increase financial well-being and sustainable economic development of agricultural production is the development of new areas of activity, when enterprises produce not only raw materials, but also a ready-to-eat product. It is important that the product has serious competitive advantages over similar products on the market, can replace imported products and be highly profitable. Raw agricultural production provides a profitability of no more than 8-10‰, while integration processes can increase it by 10-15 points. The article considers the proposal for Soybean Complex Company LLC to organize a workshop for processing soybeans into dried soy milk, the market demand for which has growth trends. This product is used in food processing industry, confectionery production, consumed by the population in its purest form. With a one-time investment of 3.8 million roubles, the farm will be able to receive about 2.8 million roubles net profit in the first year, which confirms the economic efficiency and feasibility of measures.