
Issue № 8, August 2020, article № 15

The state and efficiency of vegetable production

Modern agricultural policy is aimed at achieving food security in the production and consumption of vegetable products based on import substitution. The implementation of the State program for the development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food contributed to a 10.7‰ reduction in vegetable imports. However, this problem has not been solved in the Russian Federation. The level of self-sufficiency in vegetables and melons is 87.2‰. In order to provide the population with sheep, we studied the trends in the development of open and closed ground vegetable growing, its location on the territory of the country and economic efficiency, which causes a low investment attractiveness of the industry. The article substantiates the main directions of increasing vegetable production and improving its profitability such as the rational distribution within the country, the concentration of vegetable production in specialized organizations and farms, innovative development, construction of greenhouses the fourth and fifth generations, the use of modern vegetable production technologies, the use of high-yielding promising varieties of vegetable crops, automation and complex mechanization of the most labour-intensive production processes, development of vertically integrated structures and the creation of cooperatives for the sale of vegetables, strengthening state support for innovation and investment activities of commodity producers.

Issue № 7, July 2020, article № 3

Optimization of innovative production and technological potential in the agro-industrial complex of the region is as an element of industry competitiveness

In the conditions of farming at a high level of efficiency, an important element of the competitiveness of economic activities of enterprises and organizations working in the agro-industrial segment of the economy is the energy consumption of agricultural production. It turns out that despite short-term fluctuations in the cost of resources necessary for the implementation of the activities of agro-industrial enterprises, it is necessary to influence internal ways to reduce the cost of production of goods, since external factors within one, even a large sphere of the economy, are quite problematic to influence. It should be recognized that a significant percentage of the cost of production of agricultural products is the cost of attracted energy resources, and that the vast majority of energy required for production of agricultural products is taken from non-renewable sources, such as oil, natural gas, coal, etc. Despite the emerging trend of falling quotations of these energy sources, it should be said that their cost will increase in the medium and long term, as the total number of them will decrease. Even now, despite the fact that the oil market is experiencing all the elements of stagnation and recession, it is obvious that the recovery of futures will follow and the price of raw materials will begin to grow, which will affect the efficiency of the entire economic system of the state and the agri-food segment, in particular. Based on the above, it can be stated that the use of innovations in the production and processing of agricultural products must be accompanied by a reduction in the energy intensity of the production process, otherwise there will be no positive economic effect from their introduction and use, both in the short and medium term.