
Issue № 8, August 2020, article № 5

Features and prospects of the functioning of agricultural holdings

Agricultural holdings are horizontally and vertically integrated agricultural and agro-industrial organizations, consisting of many legal entities. The advantages of agroholdings include increasing competitiveness in the global market, creating full-cycle food chains, reducing product certification costs and lowering the threshold for entering large federal retail chains. Opportunities for the development of agricultural holdings are connected with the attraction of financial resources to agricultural production by the external participants of the holding, lobbying the interests of the agricultural holding at various levels, ensuring full utilization of production capacities for processing products within the agricultural holding, increasing the possibilities of attracting personnel. The weaknesses of agroholdings are low corporate transparency, which creates obstacles for attracting investment in foreign markets. It should be noted the negative aspects of the ethical perception of agroholdings, which may manifest at the external and external levels. Accumulation of cash flows in the administrative centre of the holding can help reduce support for remote rural areas. The main threat to the functioning of holding-type agroformations is the considerable territorial differentiation of individual units according to conditions and distance, which may contribute to a decrease in management efficiency. Often, the external integrator of the holding company may have a lack of competences in the field of agricultural production. There is a threat of a lack of a long-term development strategy or the predominance of short- and medium-term goals over long-term ones. The digital transformation of agriculture can help reduce threats, which can improve the efficiency of managing remote units, increase the level of transparency and confidence in agricultural holdings.

Issue № 8, August 2020, article № 6

On the issue of regional trends in agricultural robotization

The article considers the problems of regional trends in agricultural robotics. The purpose of the study is to identify patterns of robotization of agriculture in the regions in relation to the dynamics of production in the industry, the share of agriculture in the structure of the economy and the specialization of the agricultural sector of the regions. The results of the study of the dynamics of the introduction of robots and the density of robotization of agriculture in the regions and federal districts are presented. According to the results of inquiries to the regional ministries of agriculture and agro-industrial complex, the number of used robotics was 435 units. At the same time, the density of robotics in agriculture in the Russian Federation reaches 0.75 robots per 10,000 workers, the greatest value of this indicator is observed in the Ural Federal District (2.16). The highest density of robotics by regions is observed in Kaluga (42.7) Ryazan (14.1) and Sverdlovsk (6.3) regions. There are several groups of regions in terms of the density of agricultural robotics and the dynamics of growth of agricultural production. In regions with a low share of agriculture in the structure of the economy, the highest values of the density of robotization of production are observed. Specific recommendations are given for the use of robotics in regions with a share of agriculture below 10‰, which can help increase the pace of agricultural production. Appropriate measures need to be developed to accelerate the introduction of robots into agricultural production to prevent technological backwardness of the industry.

Issue № 8, August 2020, article № 9

Analysis of the conversion factors of tractors, grain and fodder harvesters into reference units during the years of changing standards

For the planning of needs, the availability of agricultural machinery, the economic analysis of the use of machinery, for the formation of efficient parks of agricultural machinery in agricultural production, and to some extent for the guidelines for the production of agricultural machinery, conversion factors of agricultural machinery into reference units are needed. The aim of the study is to analyze the conversion factors of tractors, grain and forage harvesters into reference units during the years of changing standards (1987; 2003; 2012). The studies were conducted using economic and statistical methods and techniques. The concept of a “reference unit”, a “reference” tractor, a “reference” grain and forage harvester is presented. The coefficients of conversion of tractors, grain and forage harvesters into reference units and the influence of these coefficients on indicators of productivity, energy saturation of production, workload, availability of arable land (crops), efficiency, are analyzed. The analysis of the main parameters that determine the value of the conversion coefficient for tractors, grain and forage harvesters is made. A methodology for calculating conversion factors into reference units is proposed and a conclusion is made that the proposed methodology does not contradict the “Methodology for using conventional conversion factors for tractors, grain and forage harvesters into reference units in determining their requirements”, approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

Issue № 8, August 2020, article № 10

Economic essence of factors of conversion of agricultural machinery into reference units

This article is the final in the study entitled "Development of conditional factors and requirements standards for methods of use of conventional conversion factors tractors, grain and forage harvesters in the reference unit in determining the standards to their needs" proposed by the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation higher educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of agriculture. In the process of implementing this study addressed issues related to the history of the development of standards needs and contingent factors; the presence in the agricultural machinery; condition of agricultural machinery and agricultural machinery; the state support of agricultural production and agricultural machinery in Russia and abroad; the analysis of conditional coefficients for the transfer of agricultural machinery in the reference units, standards of requirements, comparative analysis of the effectiveness of Park of agricultural machinery, formed according to the standards of different years. The purpose of this study is to summarize the overall results and prepare recommendations for the calculation, application and use of conditional coefficients and standards of demand in the formation of agricultural machinery fleets in agricultural organizations of various forms of ownership, different financial status and different production volumes. The research was conducted using economic and statistical methods and techniques.