
Issue № 9, September 2020, article № 14

Grants in the development of small villages

An urgent problem in recent years is the desolation of sparsely populated territories in Russia. The development of small rural settlements is an important task to preserve the integrity of the country. The strategy of socio-economic development of small villages should include state support for employment of rural residents and the formation of favorable social and living conditions. The article explores the possibilities of grant support for residents of small villages. The purpose of the study is to find factors that increase the effectiveness of grant support for small villages. The parsed rules for the receipt and use of grants to support farming under the state program of development of agriculture and regulation of markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food (grant to support novice fair measure; grant family farms; grant for the development of material-technical base of agricultural consumer cooperative), and the grant for the development of farming - "Agrostat". Examples of successful participation of small villages of Russia in competitions for grants in the field of culture, improvement of social and living conditions of residents of small villages, in the competition for grants of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society are given. The rules for taxation of grant income under different tax systems are shown. Factors of information availability and ease of forming grant applications in the Republic of Khakassia are investigated. A proposal was made to create an Internet resource that reveals all the possibilities of grant support for small villages.The article concludes that there is a need for a comprehensive approach to the development of a grant system for small villages, which includes both ensuring employment and normal social and cultural living conditions

Issue № 9, September 2020, article № 15

Trajectory of increasing incomes of the rural population of the mountainous territories of the republic of buryatia

Rural territories play a significant role in preserving and improving the social, economic and demographic well-being of the State. The decline in the economic role of rural areas amid the degradation of agricultural production, the weak diversification of the rural economy and rural employment, accompanied by the accelerated "compression" of social infrastructure, ultimately led to the socio-demographic decline of the Russian village. The traditional replenishment of the total population of the Russian Federation due to the natural growth of the rural population has ceased. The restoration of rural and rural livelihoods is based on raising rural incomes by creating effective employment. The article sets out the goal of developing and substantiating a set of proposals to increase the incomes of the rural population of mountain territories on the example of the rural region of the Republic of Buryatia. The main methodological tool is the compilation and analysis of territorial balances, including financial ones. A balance-sheet approach is useful for spatially closed and remote areas, which include mountainous areas. As a result of the studies, an assessment of the structure of the territory's financial resources was obtained, measures were proposed to increase the incomes of the rural population of the mountainous region, and the risks of developing mountainous territories were formulated.

Issue № 8, August 2020, article № 1

Organizational and economic mechanisms for adapting the rural population in the context of the transition of the agro-industrial complex to dynamic development

The current state of economic relations is increasingly dependent on the effectiveness of adaptation mechanisms of business entities to rapidly changing environmental conditions. Moreover, such changes are characterized by both negative impact and positive. Of particular importance is the quality of adaptation in the agricultural sector, which must be understood in the context of the unity of agricultural production and the functioning of rural areas. Consideration of the agrarian sphere from such positions allows us to determine the relevance of the research topic not only through challenges and threats, but also through the dynamics of the agricultural sector. An important aspect of the relevance of the research topic is the need to change the paradigm of management, production in the agricultural sector, which is associated with a number of structural changes in the social environment and the functioning of rural areas. The problem that this study is aimed at solving is the growing gap between the level of economic and technological development of the agricultural sector and the level of readiness of the rural population to accept the dynamic development of the agricultural sector and the digitalization of public relations. The hypothesis of the study is the assertion that the contradictions caused by the gap between the level of economic and technological development of the agricultural sector and the level of readiness of the rural population to accept the dynamic development of the agricultural sector and the digitalization of public relations are mitigated and leveled by improving the organizational and economic mechanism of adaptation of the rural population. Moreover, the rural population includes, as a rule, people associated with agricultural production. Objective: to determine the organizational and economic mechanisms of adaptation of the rural population in the context of the transition of the agro-industrial complex to dynamic development.