
Issue № 10, October 2020, article № 12

Performance management method cultivation of grain crops

The object of research is the processes of managing the efficiency of the cultivation of grain crops. The purpose of the research is to develop a method that allows agro-technologies to manage the efficiency of grain crops cultivation. Analysis of the data obtained. For the integrated indicator of the efficiency of farming - yield, as a random variable, it is convenient to use B - distribution. The cost function has been determined, with random values ​​corresponding to the costs obtained in the work for the conditions of irrigated agriculture [5]. For the synthesis of three levels of intensity of agricultural technologies recommended by the Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture of the Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the specified output indicators of the efficiency of cultivation of grain crops in dry farming, a simple algorithm is proposed that takes into account the specifics of the problems that arise. The algorithm is based on the methodological provisions of the presentation of agricultural technologies as nonlinear, non-stationary processes, the identification of which is carried out by linear approximation. All applied technologies must be cost-effective. Scientific novelty lies in the substantiation of algorithms for calculating and obtaining generalized parameters of agricultural technologies with random values. For the first time, a grapho-analytical method is proposed as a method for the synthesis of agricultural technologies for the cultivation of grain crops, which makes it possible to design, select and adapt agricultural technologies as a whole. Solving the problem of increasing the efficiency of cultivation of grain crops, on the basis of agricultural technologies, as a whole, makes it possible to more purposefully select technological processes that require their modernization.

Issue № 10, October 2020, article № 17

Methodological aspects of substantiation of the advanced model of agro-industrial integration development

Here under it is suggested to view the model of agro-industrial integration development as a way of organization of inter-sectoral and inter-subject interactions of the agro-food complex elements, objectively arising in the process of formation and maintaining technological, economic, and organizational ties between the links of value chains and within them. The key laws are identified that have a significant impact on understanding the prospects and opportunities for the development of integration of producers and processors of agricultural products. A set of methodological provisions related to the substantiation of an advanced model for the development of integration relations in the regional agro-food complex is proposed. It is noted that the advanced model of agro-industrial integration should be focused on creating conditions for overcoming both inter-sectoral imbalances and incoherence, and other economic pathologies at the level of individual links of technological chains, and also take into account the development trends of the agro-food complex and the most likely directions of its structural and functional modernization. The quality of this model is determined by its ability to ensure the systemic balance of the entire complex of technological chains that form the agro-food complex at the regional level. It is concluded that the development model of agro-industrial integration is a kind of projection of the model of the agro-food complex development, in which special attention is paid to the mechanisms of integration interactions that ensure the stability of organizational, economic, and technological links between elements of agro-food systems of different levels, and the existing trajectory of the development of agro-industrial integration, creates objective prerequisites for initiating the processes of transition to a cluster model of integration interactions of subjects of the regional agro-food complex. The description of the main essential characteristics of the cluster model for the development of agro-industrial integration is presented.

Issue № 10, October 2020, article № 18

Competitiveness of domestic agricultural raw materials and agrofood in the world market

Today, Russia's presence on world markets determines its attitude to export potential as a measure of the competitiveness of manufactured products. The basis of a country's competitive advantages in the production of a certain type of product depends on the following factors: the availability and nature of demand for manufactured products in the domestic market; the existence of industries that supply internationally competitive resources in the country; and the conditions for the development of production; availability of conditions for the creation and organization of production and the intensity of competition. The systemic nature of these factors contributes to the emergence of an environment that leads to an increase in the competitiveness of agricultural products and food. Russia has strengthened its competitive position in its traditional markets, and positive trends have emerged based on short-term factors such as the food embargo, the devaluation of the rouble, and increased state support for agricultural producers. The dynamic changes taking place in both the global and national food markets require in-depth study. The article considers and suggests various methods that can be used to one extent or another to assess the competitiveness of agri-food products on the world market and be one of the priority areas for expanding Russia's participation in international food trade, the formation of long-term factors of competitiveness growth.

Authority data on scientific institutions of aic in csal information resources

The results of scientific work and experience of the FSBSI “Central Scientific Agricultural Library” (CSAL) in including authoritye data in the information resources in the form of an in-house generation database “Authority file of names of scientific institutions of the AIC” have been considered. The use of authority data as an open multi-functional resource allows organizing new forms and methods of information service of users. The results of research for updating and replenishing the content of authority data on names of scientific institutions of the AIC, on developing the user services and improving the search in the information resources are presented. It is noted that the dynamics of reforming the scientific institutions requires for ongoing monitoring and updating the authority data. The updating of the content comprised checking and revising the authority records, logging on to other records and information resources. The works for improving the representation of reference information on scientific institutions in the database are described. A new option “Official name” has been formed as a search element in which a form of an institution’s name indicated in the statutory documents is given for the functioning scientific institutions. The formation and use of authority data in the specialized information-retrieval system promotes integrating the CSAL information resources thereby widening choices of users as to the access to the bibliographic and full-text resources. In 2020 the database is replenished with the names of the AIC scientific institutions in the scope of 70 authority records for 25 scientific institutions in agriculture, forestry, fishing industry, water economy and reclamation, plant and animal protection.