
Legal support for innovative development of agriculture

The transition to an innovative management model is one of the key guidelines for the development of agriculture. Using the achievements of scientific and technological progress in the activities of agricultural producers will increase the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products, improve the welfare of rural residents and meet the food needs of the population. The structure-forming component of the innovation system is the state innovation policy, which is reflected in a set of legislative, subordinate and regulatory documents at various levels. The results of legislative activity determine the strategic directions of innovative development, the goals and tasks facing the subjects of agriculture, and the principles of their achievement. Issues of formation of Federal, regional and local legislative acts are particularly relevant in the context of the continuing trend of slow growth in investment in innovative developments, low solvency of agricultural producers and a weak degree of integration of research, education and production areas of agriculture. In the main part of the article, the list of current laws and state programs in the field of innovative development of the agricultural sector will be reviewed, their main provisions will be characterized, and the actual results of their implementation compared to the planned ones will be analyzed. In the final part, proposals will be formulated to improve the legal framework in order to increase the efficiency of the elements of the organizational and economic mechanism of the functioning of the innovative system of the agricultural sector.

Impact of robotization of agriculture on the gender, age list of workers and level of their education

The need to engage in livestock production requires the involvement of additional labour resources in dairy cattle breeding. The urgent problem is the formation of labour resources in the context of the application of digital technologies, including production robotics. The main hypothesis of the study is that the robotization of dairy cattle breeding will lead to a significant change in labour requirements. The purpose of the study is to study the effects of agricultural robotization on the gender, age composition of workers and their level of education. As the main research method, questionnaires for workers of robotic farms were used, as a control group were workers of traditional farms of the same agricultural organization. In conditions of robotics, machine milking operators are replaced by operators of robotic milking, instead of cattle; they are equipped with robotic service technicians. An analysis of sex-based jobs on robotic farms shows that a significant proportion of the employed are men (76.5‰), while the proportion of women is only 23.5‰. At the same time, on farms without robotics, the proportion of women is 54.8‰, and men 45.2‰, respectively. On farms with robotics, 52.9‰ of them have higher education, while on farms without the use of robotics, 64.5‰ of workers have secondary specialized education, and 35.5‰ only secondary education. The largest share of workers on farms with robotics (47.1‰) are in the age category from 18 to 29 years old, and only 19.4‰ of the same age category are on farms without robots. The use of robotics in agricultural organizations leads to a decrease in employment in types of work with high monotony, while the process of creating jobs associated with the maintenance of robotic devices and other digital technologies takes place. Further robotization will help overcome negative trends in the staffing of agriculture, including attracting and retaining professionally trained youth.

Issue № 10, October 2020, article № 11

Interregional differentiation in the implementation of industrial innovation processes (on the example of the food industry)

The article describes the food industry of the Russian Federation, and its example reveals the specifics of intra-industry innovation processes carried out both at the Federal level and at the level of individual regions. The necessity of continuous monitoring of innovation processes in the industry and regional sections is justified. The main areas of monitoring include tracking the performance of the industry at the Federal and regional levels, identifying promising areas of innovation in the industry, evaluating the effectiveness of industry innovation in the region, and comparing the results with the Federal level and world experience. The concept of innovation activity in the region as a unique characteristic of the subject of the Russian Federation, which involves targeted coordinated actions at various levels of management for the introduction of all types of innovations, is concretized. The author's scheme of formation of innovative activity in the region is proposed. The distinctive feature of this scheme is to clarify the role of business in the Russian Federation from the point of view of its size, industry structure and differences in ownership forms. The main reasons for interregional differentiation in the susceptibility of food industries to innovative activity of regions, which are conditionally grouped into two groups: internal and external, in relation to the studied branches of the national economy, are identified and justified.