
Efficiency of agriculture production with various versions of technical equipment

The formation of a high-quality sector of the economy - small forms of business - was a radical transformation of agrarian relations, while the relevance of the economic assessment of the results of their economic activities in the agrarian sector of the economy has significantly increased. Every year, farming makes an increasingly significant contribution to the development of the agricultural economy, which is confirmed by the growth of its share in agricultural production in recent years - from 6.1‰ in 2005 to 13.6‰ in 2019 for Russia as a whole. Despite the fact that small forms of management have a relatively low level of development of productive forces, not fully equipped with elements of the material and technical base, including the technical means necessary for conducting a complete cycle of agricultural production, their rapid formation largely coincides with the global trends of strengthening the role of farms in the agricultural sector of the economically developed countries of the world. However, modern economic farm conditions dictate the need for new approaches to assessing the economic efficiency of technical means for the mechanization of agricultural production. In this regard, the scientific article argues attention to the economic efficiency of agricultural production with different technical equipment of small forms of farming, taking into account the logarithmic trend line, which allows providing for the smoothing of graphs and the development of the scenario for a certain period of years.

New approaches to training specialists for agro-industrial complex

This article presents scientific research on the training of specialists for the agro-industrial complex on the example of one of the oldest universities in Siberia Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education «Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin», taking into account the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) and the requirements of a quality management system based on the requirements of the State Standard R ISO 9001-2015, in terms of implementing the principle of this system «Customer Orientation», based on a customer-oriented approach, as well as using elements project and practice-oriented activities in training. Involvement of external stakeholders in the formation of the educational trajectory makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of training personnel for a new formation for the agricultural sector by assessing the potential of students at the initial stages of the formation of competencies and elements of organizational culture; the use of the creative and scientific potential of future specialists in solving design problems set by business and production, with their subsequent implementation in the conditions of real enterprises. In general, the use of new approaches to training specialists for the agro-industrial complex forms a positive image of the university in the educational services market and the labour market, increases the competitive advantage of the educational organization, which ensures the formation of a loyal customer base and strengthens external relations.