
Improving the quality of practical training in professional agricultural education

The article considers the need to improve the quality of practical training in professional agricultural education, which is currently a determining factor in the formation of an effective system of personnel support for the agricultural sector of the economy. The paper systematizes the main modern problems that affect the quality of training specialists in agricultural Universities; shows the real attitude of employers-enterprises and organizations of agribusiness to the quality of practical training of graduates who are employed in the industry. The historical reasons for the decline in the quality of practical training of graduates of agricultural Universities are investigated. The authors propose an innovative model for organizing the educational process, which provides for combining training in agricultural Universities with practical work in leading enterprises and organizations in the industry. The model involves reducing theoretical training and replacing various types of practices with work or industrial internships for students in leading agricultural enterprises in the regions. The proposed model of professional education allows improving the quality of practical training and equipping graduates not only with knowledge, but also with real-world experience. It is proposed to implement the model in the format of pilot projects with discussion and evaluation by the expert community and representatives of real agribusiness.

The impact of infrastructure provision and the level of subsidies on agricultural robotization

Currently, despite the efforts of the executive authorities, there is a low rate of robotization of agriculture, and in a number of regions, robotics is not used in the industry. The main hypothesis is that the significant unevenness of the process of robotization of the agrarian sector of the economy across the country is associated with regional characteristics. The purpose of the study is to identify patterns of robotization of agriculture in the regions in relation to the availability of infrastructure facilities and the level of state support (subsidies) for the agricultural sector of the regions. The results of the study of the density of robotization of agriculture by region are presented. Contrary to the hypothesis put forward, it was not possible to identify a significant dependence of robotization on the use of the Internet by organizations (correlation coefficient 0.10), broadband Internet access (correlation coefficient 0.04). This may be due to the widespread penetration of the Internet, which does not provide the advantages of one region over another. There is a low dependence of the density of robotization in agriculture and the availability of paved roads (correlation coefficient -0.21) and road density (correlation coefficient 0.04). The wide geography of the introduction of robotics in agriculture throughout the country allows us to conclude that there are no significant infrastructural restrictions. In confirming the initial hypothesis of the study, there is a significant relationship (correlation coefficient 0.74) between the level of government support and the density of robotization. It is recommended that the executive authorities strengthen targeted government support for the implementation of robotics.

Issue № 12, December 2020, article № 12

The best world practices of corporate social responsibility is as factor of development of the agrarian sector

The issue of sustainable development of enterprises and organizations has been on the agenda of the business community for the past two decades. The world's best practices of corporate social responsibility are based on the principles of accountability and transparency, and voluntary standards either involve the use of measurable indicators or General principles of development. The metric approach based on the use of key performance indicators and indicators of socio-efficiency allows inter-firm comparisons when working with non-financial reports. A review of best corporate practices based on sustainable development reports from the Global Reporting Initiative Database of 36 of the world's largest companies in the agricultural sector allowed us to propose a set of indicators of socio-efficiency and to test our own methodology for calculating the value added retained by enterprises. We analyzed the structure of funds distributed by 16 enterprises for the period from 2016 to 2018, inclusive. We come to the conclusion that corporate social responsibility involves the management of not only financial resources, but also non-financial resources (human, etc.). At the same time, non-financial factors of development from the effects (including infrastructure development effects) of payments to external stakeholders (investors, government) may prevail over direct financial factors of payments to internal stakeholders (employees, shareholders) of the enterprise.