
Issue № 1, January 2021, article № 11

Structural changes in the agricultural sector in the activities of farmers and individual entrepreneurs

The transformation of economic relations in the agrarian sector of the national economy demonstrates the conceptual changes in the legal framework for land tenure and, on this basis, the rapid development of private entrepreneurial initiative in the form of peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs. In order to identify a promising leading link of agricultural producers, an assessment of the scale of presence, an analysis of the structure and depth of the processes of differentiation of these economic entities, their contribution to providing consumers with manufactured products is carried out, which reflects the relevance of the study. The use of methods of statistical grouping, analysis and synthesis allows you to achieve this goal. On the basis of the secondary grouping, three main groups of farms were identified: small, medium, large, and their potential were analyzed and problems were identified according to a number of criteria across the Russian Federation and federal districts. As a result, there is a steady tendency towards the enlargement of peasant farms in terms of the available land and sown area, which testifies to the strengthening of their position among other economic entities-agrarians, to the development on their basis of large-scale capitalist industries with high marketability and the use of hired labour. A promising vector and foundation for the development of the agricultural sector of the Russian Federation is becoming a layer of large farmers-producers of agricultural products.

Issue № 1, January 2021, article № 12

Organizational and economic mechanism for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in dairy cattle breeding

The development of modern small and medium-sized businesses in dairy cattle breeding largely depends on the degree of state involvement in solving its problems, since this direction of agriculture is significant for the economy and food security of the country, but at the same time quite vulnerable to economic and natural climatic influence. The global pandemic of COVID-19, dry summers in some regions of the country had an even greater negative impact on the development of small and medium-sized organizations in dairy cattle breeding and made the study relevant. The article describes the author's methodology for assessing the state of the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the results of a study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on small and medium-sized businesses in dairy cattle breeding. To fulfil the main task, the authors used economic indicators of the production results of agricultural organizations according to the financial statements of federal, regional and regional state management bodies, official data of the Central Bank of Russia, the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Chelyabinsk Region and the Ministry of Agriculture, as well as the results of the survey of owners of small and medium-sized agricultural organizations conducted by the authors. The Chelyabinsk region was chosen as a typical region under study. The study was conducted according to the register of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Issue № 1, January 2021, article № 14

Methodology for the integral assessment of the spatial development of rural territories of the constituent entities of the russian federation

The Russian Federation was in the process of finding effective tools for State management of rural development, which provided comprehensive rural development throughout the country. Topical studies show a growing uneven development of rural areas mainly in the direction of "centre-periphery." The formation of "centres" for the economic development of the Russian Federation and the regions is necessary, but at the same time the imbalance of development policy in relation to peripheral territories has negative long-term effects: socio-demographic, economic, environmental degradation of territories. The article sets out the goal of developing a methodology for assessing the spatial development of rural territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as the basic condition for the development of territories and their promising attractiveness for the residence of the rural population. The methods of research are integrated estimates, descriptive statistics, statistical summary and grouping, tabular and cartographic data presentation. The main result of the study is the grouping of subjects of the Russian Federation by the level of spatial development of rural areas according to the official statistical accounting for 2010 and 2018. The results of the integrated assessments made it possible to draw conclusions on the growing polarization of rural space on the scale of the Russian Federation, the continued compression of the developed space, as well as to identify regions with developing and degrading rural space.

Prerequisites for improving investment in innovation in agriculture: issues of theory and practice

The world economy is experiencing an era of large-scale changes. Long-term sustainable economic growth and social prosperity depend on the ability of the economy to maintain high levels of productivity growth in the context of global economic globalization. As competition between commodity producers increases, the creation and dissemination of innovations become the main drivers of further prosperity, giving undeniable advantages in the competition for consumers. The key factor in the implementation of innovative processes is the amount of their funding. Investment determines the volume and intensity of the spread of knowledge-intensive innovations in the economy. All of the above is true both for the Russian economy as a whole and for the agricultural sector. Nevertheless, Russia has not yet formed an awareness of the exceptional importance of innovation for the growth of the agro-industrial complex, and the mechanisms for financing scientific and innovative activities require significant improvement. In the current conditions of scarce resource availability of agricultural producers and weak interest of private business in investments in the agro-industrial complex, consideration of ways to activate investment in the industry is becoming particularly relevant. This article examines the role of investment in the innovative renewal of the agricultural sector, analyzes the results of investment activities in domestic agriculture in the context of regions and types of activities, and examines the international experience of stimulating innovative investment.

Features of long-term development strategies for the development of the agro-industrial complex in the digital age

On the basis of the proposed path of macroeconomic development of Russia and the Kurgan region, priority areas of investment of the agrarian economy in the era of digitalization were identified. The priorities of the investment policy of Russia and the Kurgan region for the transition to the digital economy imply the need to reorient investment flows to primary support: socially oriented industries, knowledge-intensive industries, primarily agriculture. At the same time, given the limitations of these funds, it is advisable to identify priority areas and projects for investment. Taking into account the promising scientific gaps identified on a global scale and available in Russia, it is possible to distinguish several strategic areas of scientific and technological breakthrough in the field of new, alternative energy sources. This can radically change the existing division of labour and significantly improve environmental safety not only in the Kurgan region, but also in Russia. Direct state financing of these areas on the necessary scale will allow developing the existing innovative potential of the region in the era of digitization, and the relevant industries will become "growth points" and locomotives for the development of the economy of the Kurgan region. An analysis of the trend in the use of the resources of human, productive and natural capital of the region, i.e. the creation of wealth from each resource, made it possible to identify the prerequisites for the development of an integrated program for the development and rational use of the existing and created resources of nature and society as a single bio economic system in the long term.