
Issue № 2, February 2021, article № 14

Intercontinental bridge between western china and western europe: alternative goods transmission networks of the eaeu, china and vietnam

According to experts, the importance of international transport corridors will exceed the role of centers of raw materials extraction and industrial production, and global competition for cargo delivery routes will only increase. It is likely that in the coming years, China and Europe will be connected by a high-speed railway that will pass through the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in order to create new transport corridors between the two parts of the world on the largest continent on Earth. The new trade routes will open up great opportunities for the partner countries, but will require significant financial investments. At the same time, Beijing, which, in fact, acts as a driver of infrastructure projects in the Eurasian space, is interested in demonstrating the increased role of China in the world. The economic growth of Eurasia will be difficult without the development of a progressive transport system. Therefore, the issue of logistics of our countries is currently relevant. The growth rate of trade in transport and communication services in the world is twice as fast as the rate of trade in goods. This means that the importance of international transport corridors will exceed the role of the centers of raw materials extraction and industrial production. In the XXI century, it is the transit resource of connectivity that will determine the future role of the Eurasian countries in the world. The article considers alternatives to the unified commodity distribution network of the states of the Eurasian Economic Community (ETS-2010) and the Eurasian Union (ETS – 2020). The interaction of the EAEU with China on the interface of the EAEU ETS with China and Vietnam is compared.

Issue № 2, February 2021, article № 16

Foreign experience in the use of leasing in agriculture

Leasing financing mechanisms represent one of the most promising alternatives to direct bank lending for the modernization and renewal of fixed assets of organizations. After a sharp decline in 2009 associated with the global financial crisis and its aftermath, the leasing services market shows stable annual growth, which indicates an increasing demand for leasing services in the world for the renewal of fixed assets and technical modernization. Leasing schemes are of particular interest for domestic enterprises of the agro-industrial complex in connection with the strong obsolescence of the agricultural machinery park, the need for technical re-equipment of the Russian agro-industrial complex. The study of foreign experience in the development of leasing mechanisms is of significant practical interest for a wide range of interested parties. Of particular interest may be the leasing programs "trade-in" used recently abroad, as well as the practical experience of the development of leasing in the PRC, which in fact provided channels of non-bank financing for strategically important sectors of the country's economy. The article examines the dynamics of the development of the world market of leasing services, the main trends in the development of leasing activities in the world, foreign practices in the use of leasing schemes in the field of agriculture, shows possible prospects for the use of foreign experience in using leasing schemes in Russian conditions for a large-scale renovation and increase of the fleet of agricultural machinery.

Issue № 1, January 2021, article № 2

Systematic approach to prediction of scientific and technological development of grain production

This article is devoted to the study of the process of forecasting the scientific and technological development of grain production from the point of view of system analysis. It is proposed to consider scientific and technological progress in the industry as a system consisting of the following interacting elements: labour, technology and land. The features of scientific and technological development of grain production are revealed: influence of climatic conditions, the linearity of the development of science and technology, mixed in the presence of the prevailing technological structure, instability and instability, the growth rate of scientific and technological progress, the availability of quality improvements, and the rapid development and, consequently, patterns of development in the form of periodicity. The conceptual basis for forecasting the scientific and technological development of grain production, including the prerequisites, purpose, objectives, object, features, principles and methods of forecasting, has been developed. It is proved that the process of forecasting the scientific and technological development of the industry is based on an algorithm-a consistent application of forecasting tools, consisting of the following stages: identification of patterns of development of grain production; determination of its periodicity; modeling of periods with a constant level of technical development; justification of challenges, trends, research fronts and windows of opportunity and priority directions of scientific and technological development of grain production; calculation of forecast values of grain production indicators. A set of indicators for assessing the level of scientific and technological development of the industry is determined, by grouping them according to the main factors of production and indicators of the effectiveness of these factors that determine scientific and technological progress in grain production.

Issue № 1, January 2021, article № 5

Investment and innovation strategy as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of agro-industrial complex of the region

One of the main conditions for the stable functioning of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Bashkortostan is to invest in innovations in the agro-industrial complex and its industries and enterprises, to create favourable conditions for increasing their competitiveness. For this, it becomes necessary to adopt an investment and innovation strategy for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the region, which would become a key factor in positive changes in the economic system of the agricultural sector, transfer of its economic entities to a high-tech industrial basis with progressive principles and methods of management. In this context, investment in innovation takes a special place in the socio-economic and market transformation of the agro-industrial complex, improving the quality characteristics of tangible and intangible assets of its spheres and enterprises in the region. It has been established that the task of successfully introducing innovations and increasing the competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex of the region is to develop its material, technical, human, intellectual, agricultural potential in a single relationship. There is a need to create effective mechanisms that can ensure interaction between innovative and real sectors of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Bashkortostan, and intensify cooperation ties. In the article, as an example of cooperation between fundamental science and practice, the creation and development of a Seed Breeding Centre for forage crops is given on the basis of own developments of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The study revealed that the reason for the low rate of investment in innovations in the agro-industrial complex of the region was some contradictions, the solution of which requires the development of specific approaches for the investment and innovation strategy of the agro-industrial complex. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop a regional investment and innovation strategy for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Bashkortostan, based on state support and the activation of the role of agrarian science.