
Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 12

Prospects for the development of open-ground vegetable growing on the basis of biology

The production of open-ground vegetables has good prospects in the future, which is due to the growth of effective demand for products, the orientation of the population on proper nutrition, which, of course, will contribute to the introduction of innovative technologies and biotechnologies in the activities of all categories of producers. The introduction of the food embargo served as a kind of impetus for the development of the sub-sector, increasing the volume of production by domestic producers. Certain results have been achieved, but the issue of self-sufficiency in vegetable products has not been resolved. Using theoretical and empirical research methods, the authors identified a positive trend in the development of the sub-sector as a whole in the Russian Federation and in particular agricultural enterprises of the Moscow region. Modern production is focused on intensive technologies, biotechnologies, resource conservation, increasing not only quantitative, but primarily qualitative indicators of products. Investments in the industry are insufficient, despite the strengthening of state support. The level of profitability of the production of vegetables of large and small producers is in the range of 20-30‰. The main factors of the efficiency of vegetable cultivation (yield, product quality, production costs) are considered. The characteristic of intensive technology of growing vegetables in the open ground is presented. The transition to an adapted biologized model of growing vegetables, which contains reasonable environmental and economic aspects, is proposed. Directions of this model: building competent plant protection, restoring soil fertility through working with crop residues, effective use of mineral fertilizers. Such an innovative technology makes it possible, in the conditions of insufficient financing of the sub-sector, in the short term to raise the profitability of vegetable farms to a level above 50‰.

Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 13

Egg market conjuncture and its prospects

The leading positions of the poultry industry are due to the presence of the aggregate innovative potential in the field of keeping, growing, feeding and producing the corresponding products. However, it is not fully used, which has an impact on the conquest of the relevant target markets. Research of the market of eggs and products of their processing from the standpoint of self-sufficiency by region, as well as its export potential, indicates the presence of target niches and mechanisms for filling them. The analytics of the assortment portfolio of the target egg market is presented, with an emphasis on the need to process them in much larger volumes. These conclusions are also confirmed by the results of analytics and the calculation of the market conditions index. The systematization of the results of the analytical study made it possible to identify the main prospects for the development of the market of eggs and products of its processing until 2030. These include the equalization of egg consumption between regions, an increase in egg export volumes, an increase in the consumption rate of eggs and egg products in accordance with the leading countries in consumption, an increase in the production of organic products and products with desired properties, an increase in the market share of eggs and their processing products from other types of poultry. This strategy for the development of the market of eggs and their processing products will allow both domestic producers and the state to orientate themselves in the volume of capital investments in the further development of the industry.

Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 18

Measures for increasing the balance level of agro-industrial complex of krasnodar krai

One of the key properties of effectively and steadily developing economic systems is their balance (proportionality). The dynamic nature of economic systems’ development and the variability of the environment of their functioning objectively determine the need for regular transition of those systems from one balanced (equilibrium) state to another within the framework of their reproduction and adaptation to changes in the external environment. In the context of this research, the balance is considered as a special case of the equilibrium of interacting elements, their special state, when the action of each of them on each other is equivalent from the standpoint of the optimal level of mutual influence. The structural and functional complexity of economic systems, the heterogeneity of the elements that form them, different rates of reproduction of elements, and adaptation to changes in the conditions of functioning create the prerequisites for the emergence of various kinds of imbalances that significantly limit the possibilities for the systems’ development. The main types of imbalances inherent in the agro-food systems of the regional level as a specific type of territorial-sectoral complexes are proposed to include: imbalances in the food supply system of the region, imbalances in food chains, resource imbalances in the regional system of agricultural and agro-industrial production; imbalances in the development of territories, imbalances in the development of industries, environmental imbalances. Maintaining the balance of agro-food systems can be ensured through the development and implementation of measures aimed at eliminating imbalances that affect the quality of their development. The activities substantiated in this paper reflect a range of specific strategic and tactical tasks, the solution of which should be provided for in the development programs of the regional agro-food complex, taking into account the balance of interests of its constituent entities.