
Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 2

Functions of the digital transformation mechanism of agricultural producers

Digital transformation as a promising direction for modernizing the technical and technological base of economic systems is an object of strategic management and requires the formation of special mechanisms focused on solving the problems of digital development. It is proposed to understand the mechanism of digital transformation of agricultural producers as a set of structural and functional elements that ensure the initiation of digitalization processes of business entities and their management within the framework of the implementation of their digital development strategy. This mechanism is supposed to provide the ability to focus on various strategies and models of digitalization, due to the significant differentiation of entities in terms of the level of informatization of production and management processes and the possibilities of adequate financial support for digital transformation processes and allowing digital development within several scenarios of fragmented or complex digitalization. The main functions of the digital transformation mechanism are proposed to be considered in the context of three groups: preparation for digital transformation, its planning, and regulation. The radical nature of the digital transformation processes and the depth of their penetration into all spheres of human life objectively determine the emergence of certain difficulties in their initiation, manifested in the presence of various kinds of barriers. The assessment of the impact of the barriers limiting the possibility of mass implementation of digital technologies in the activities of agricultural producers was carried out based on the results of a survey among the managers and specialists of integrated agro-industrial formations and agricultural organizations, as well as the heads of peasant (farmer) enterprises in the Voronezh region, which made it possible to focus on those elements and functions of the digital transformation mechanism, which are associated with solving the problems of digital development, which have the status of a barrier.

Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 3

Restructuring of state support for production processes in agriculture on the digital platform

Digital technologies can revolutionize agriculture, helping agricultural producers work more efficiently and rationally. Research and innovation are vital to facilitate and accelerate the digital transformation in agriculture and rural areas in order to improve the well-being of citizens and enterprises of the Ural Federal District. Strategic measures support the introduction of digital technologies, increased investment in research and development for new digital solutions, a critical assessment of the socio-economic consequences of digitalization and the need to restructure government support tools taking into account the effectiveness of agricultural production in the regional context. The agro-industrial complex of the Ural Federal District shows high production indicators, it has a powerful technical potential that can provide mechanization and automation of all processes in the production of crop and livestock products on a digital platform. However, certain regions of the district, such as the Kurgan region, are characterized by unacceptably low availability of social services to the population, primarily educational and medical organizations; a decrease in the population of rural areas; high poverty and unemployment among the rural population; Poor equipment of agricultural producers with agricultural machinery and equipment. In this regard, the need for a differentiated approach to the development of tools for state support for agricultural producers, taking into account the requirements of the digital age, is growing.

Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 7

Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 8

Management of the modular cheese factory project

The retaliatory measures of the Russian government to the imposition of sanctions by the US and the EU against our country have aggravated the problems of the formation of the domestic cheese market, since the share of the imported product consumed by the inhabitants of Russia is quite high. Because of the sanctions, many of Russia’s favourite cheeses have disappeared from store shelves. The achieved volumes of domestic production could not compensate for the previously supplied volumes of imports. The reduction in the supply of cheeses in the domestic market has led to an unjustified increase in their prices. Despite the general decline in the population's ability to pay against the backdrop of the economic crisis, the demand for quality cheese is very high. Currently, there is still a shortage of these high quality products in the Russian Federation, and the existing supply has an unreasonably high price. The purpose of our study is to provide an economic justification for the creation of a modular cheese dairy with a capacity of up to 300 kg to replace high quality cheese products in an agricultural enterprise in the region. High gross indicators of milk production and high economic efficiency of production allow the farm to invest part of the money received in the form of net profit in the creation of its own cheese dairy. The phased launch of the cheese dairy equipment, taking into account the adjustment of production and distribution channels, sustainable entry into the market and the expansion of the range of products produced, significantly increase the investment attractiveness of this project.