
Issue № 5, May 2021, article № 5

Impact of financial status indicators on creditworthiness of agricultural organizations

Methods for determining the creditworthiness of economic entities, including agricultural enterprises, have been widely studied in the works of various domestic and foreign scientists. They cover both theoretical approaches in the form of characteristics of methodological aspects to assessing creditworthiness, and practical recommendations for improving the solvency and creditworthiness of agricultural enterprises. The methodology for assessing the creditworthiness recommended by Rosselkhozbank takes into account the specifics of agricultural production and the financial characteristics of the activities of agricultural producers, but does not allow assessing the degree of influence of each individual factor on the integral level of creditworthiness. The use of mathematical approaches to assessing the impact of each of the financial condition indicators included in the model on the creditworthiness level expands the possibilities of using the indicative model in predicting the creditworthiness level of economic entities. The assessment of the influence of factors on the level of creditworthiness was carried out according to the accounting statements of 160 agricultural enterprises of the Ulyanovsk region for 2019 using the method of statistical grouping, which confirms the reliability of the results obtained and the objectivity of the study. The degree of dependence of each of the grouping characteristics and the integral indicator of creditworthiness is traced based on the construction of linear trends. The indicators included in the model were the financial condition ratios recommended by the industry bank.

Issue № 4, April 2021, article № 5

Analysis of farm animals death from fires in russia for 2016-2020

Livestock and poultry farms are an important part of national economic production. In Russia, many livestock industries are actively developing, which have impressive economic efficiency and can bring significant profits not only to a particular farmer, but also ensure an increase in domestic gross product throughout the country. To maintain constant readiness for the timely and effective functioning of enterprises and organizations of the agro-industrial complex, as well as private farms, it is necessary to ensure safety, including fire. In order to prevent the occurrence of fires at agro-industrial complex facilities, it is necessary to conduct a full range of fire prevention events and strictly observe fire safety rules based on effective management decisions. Current knowledge of fire hazards for animals is not always taken into account, for example, when developing an animal evacuation plan. No one takes into account that in the event of a fire, as well as even just sunbathing in the premises in which animals are kept, the conditions threatening their lives are created almost instantly. The article analyses statistical data, the number of fires, destroyed and saved heads of farm animals and poultry by the main groups of fire objects in the Russian Federation as a whole for 2016-2020 years. The main indicators of the death of farm animals and poultry at various objects of agricultural purpose in terms of one million of the total number of heads, as well as in terms of one fire, are considered. Based on the analysis, recommendations were made on making changes to the fire accounting system and their consequences carried out by the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Issue № 4, April 2021, article № 7

Inclusive approach to the development of the national agro-food system

In a time of global economic crisis and pandemic, Food and agricultural organization of U.N.O. and other international organizations in the issues of food systems functioning proceed from the inclusive approach to their development. This stipulates the involving of all resources and all groups of rural population into the production of food products, creating of equal possibilities for all participants in supply chains in the agrifood sector. In addition, the concept of inclusive development is directed to the increase of living standards and inclusion of the majority of people in the economic activity. Job creation will allow of decreasing the unemployment level, and paid employment will contribute to the income growth and affordability of food products. Inclusive development of national food systems should contribute to the solution of the hunger and malnutrition problem on the global level. For Russia, the inclusiveness in agrifood system consists in the stable development of all categories of agricultural commodity producers, provision of equal access to the state support and commodity markets. This will allow of decreasing labour migration of the agricultural population and contributing to the development of rural territories. Inclusiveness is also directed to the decrease of regional differentiation by the level of social and economic development. Provision of physical and economic availability of food products for all groups of population will contribute to the forming of stable domestic market, increase of population nutrition quality, social stability in the society. Increase of agricultural products and food export stipulates for the competitiveness of domestic agrifood complex and budget replenishment at the expense of non-energy export.