
Issue № 6, June 2021, article № 13

Conceptual aspects of developing a system of models for the development of regional agri-food systems taking into account the climatic factor

The article discusses the results of research on the development of model tools to substantiate the directions of strategic development and placement of agriculture in regional agri-food systems, taking into account long-term climatic changes. The developed system of models for carrying out variant calculations when justifying the directions of strategic development of agri-food systems, taking into account long-term climatic changes, includes models of yields of major crops, cost functions in crop and livestock production, functions of per capita food consumption. The system of economic and mathematical models is designed to obtain predictive estimates of the socio-economic development of the agri-food systems in the regions in the context of the following groups of indicators: production of agricultural products of the main types; food consumption in the regions; deficits and surpluses of food in the regions according to their respective types, taking into account the current trends. The listed characteristics are predicted for the long term in two versions, the first of which provides the development of the regional agri-food systems as a continuation of the existing trends (climatic scenario RCP8.5), and the second as a consequence of the influence of control actions from the state in order to achieve optimal environmental and economic parameters of development (climatic scenario RCP4.5).

Issue № 6, June 2021, article № 15

Assessment of best practices of integrated rural development

The socio-economic development of rural areas is one of the most important areas of strategic planning in modern Russia. To achieve the long-term levels of the targets outlined in the State Program "Integrated Rural Development", it is important to take into account the existing and continuing to accumulate experience of the regions of the Russian Federation. There are significant differences between the regions in terms of the level of rural development, which is due to both contrasting natural conditions, specific long-term socio-economic processes, and the current activities of public authorities and business structures. In this diversity, it is important to highlight the most successful practices, the replication of which will allow for more effective use of the resources allocated for the development of rural areas. The article presents the main provisions of the author's methodology for evaluating and selecting the best practices of integrated rural development. The authors suggest distinguishing between two types of practices: regional and project-based. Successful regional practice is recognized as the activity of the public authorities of the region, whose long-term indicators exceed the average Russian level, including indicators of the socio-economic state and the dynamics of their changes. Successful project practices are proposed to be selected in two categories: "Integrated development of rural areas" and "Social efficiency of the use of budget funds".

Issue № 5, May 2021, article № 8

Territorial aspects of alternative employment formation

The employment rate of the rural population is an indicator of the socio-economic well-being of the development of rural areas. The decline in the needs of the agricultural labour market has led to a decline in agricultural employment and especially employment in collective farms. The traditional way of rural life will continue to undergo an impressive transformation associated with a change in the economic structure, due to the introduction of advanced digital technologies and new models of labour relations. A certain role in improving the well-being of the rural population, according to the State Program "Comprehensive Development of Rural Areas", is assigned to alternative employment. The conducted studies of the influence of the number of employed in small business, informal, alternative employment on the integral assessment of the socio-economic situation of rural areas in the region has a linear relationship: with an increase in alternative employment, the integral indicator rises by 0.05. In this work, using the methods of correlation-regression and cluster analyzes, the municipal districts of the region are grouped according to the influence of alternative employment on the development of rural areas. The positive role of alternative employment in increasing the average monthly wages of workers, subsidies, the volume of investments in fixed assets, the replacement of workers, the share of tax and non-tax revenues of the local budget, the development of individual entrepreneurship in rural areas has been determined.