
Issue № 6, June 2021, article № 9

Protected ground vegetable growing in the novosibirsk region in the context of global challenges

Protected ground vegetable growing is one of those industries that largely depends on the preferences of consumers, the standard of living in the region, and is constantly undergoing technological changes. In this regard, when assessing the level of development of this industry and the prospects for its further development, it is necessary to take into account the trends taking place in the world market. They largely form consumer preferences, as well as determine the directions of scientific and technological development of the production of vegetables of protected soil. This article highlights the main trends in this industry: the growth of demand for organic vegetables, berries, greens; an increase in the share of purchases of vegetables that are as ready to eat as possible, as well as vegetable mixes; the development of city farming; the growth of demand for "exotic" greenhouse products (berries, micro-greens, cherry tomatoes, etc.); the use of hydroponics and aeroponics technologies for growing crops and the transfer of these technologies to organic production. The analysis of the level of development of vegetable growing in the Novosibirsk region shows that the production of protected ground vegetables is growing in the region, both due to the introduction of new greenhouse capacities, and due to the introduction of new technologies into production that allow increasing yields. The development of the industry is largely facilitated by the implementation of several investment projects. At the same time, the range of grown products is quite meagre and includes tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs (dill and parsley). The local market is already saturated with these products, which requires the diversification of the production of protected ground vegetables in the direction of eggplants, peppers, and herbs. Due to the high capital intensity of this industry, priority state support is needed for those investment projects that are aimed at meeting the demand for niche vegetables, for which there is a high level of import dependence.