
Issue № 7, July 2021, article № 7

Adaptation of agricultural producers to changes in the functioning environment

The high variability of the environment of the agricultural producers’ functioning, which arose with the beginning of radical economic reforms at the end of the last century, largely determined the trajectory of the country's agriculture development. The reaction of agricultural producers to changes in the external environment was described by high inertness due to certain inertia of the agricultural production system itself, despite the use of methods and tools allowing of effective adjustment of the parameters of agro-economic systems, their development trajectories, goals and objectives in response to disturbances in development conditions. The most significant influence on the formation of the trend of agricultural degradation in the first years of radical reforms was exerted by the growth of price disparity, which persists to the present day. The main role in mitigation of the negative impact of the price disparity on the development of agriculture of researchers is played by the state support of the industry. In combination with the agro-industrial integration processes intensification, it was the growth of state support for agriculture that made it possible to overcome the decline in the development of the industry, increase the production volume, and ensures the increase in the efficiency of agricultural production. The key criteria reflecting the production capabilities of economic entities in the agricultural sector include the size of land resources in economic circulation and the number of livestock and poultry, the change trends of which indicate the persistence of restrictions on increasing the production potential of agricultural producers. The achieved level of productivity and efficiency of agricultural production testifies to a sufficiently high adaptive potential of economic entities in the agricultural sector and the rationality of measures of state support for the industry to create conditions for increasing the stability of the entire system of agricultural production.