
Issue № 8, August 2021, article № 14

Glamping as a promising direction of ecological tourism and as a new "growth point" of the depressed rural territories of the republic of bashkortostan

Currently, the global trend is that the monostructured rural economy is gradually diversifying due to the development of non-agricultural activities, including various types of tourism. Within the framework of this article, the development of glamping, a promising direction of ecological tourism, is considered as one of the new "growth points" of the depressed rural territories of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The authors analyzed the foreign and domestic experience of the glamping industry in order to adapt it in relation to the south-eastern rural areas of the Republic of Bashkortostan, which have been classified as depressive for many years. lamping can well complement other types of tourism (agro -, ethno -, gastronomic, and others) promote the diversification of the rural economy, the opening of new small and medium-sized enterprises due to the multiplier effect, increase employment and income of rural residents. As a result of the study, the authors actualized the expediency of adjusting regional and municipal programs for the socio-economic development of rural areas, small and medium-sized businesses, agricultural production and consumer cooperation, tourism and including proposals for the development of glamping in them. The necessity of training personnel for the glamping industry, as well as the development of templates and business plans adapted to the conditions of a specific area in the field of glamping is justified.

Issue № 8, August 2021, article № 15

Factors that cause changes in the types of agrarian structures during the systematization of rural territories of the kirov region and the udmurt republic

For agricultural production, it has always been and remains important to solve the problem of highly efficient use of land resources suitable for the cultivation of cultivated plants. Largely, this is influenced by the types of agricultural structures that have developed at the present time and continue to be transformed. Types of agricultural structures mean the ratio of farms by specific weight of gross or commodity products. The class combines farms allocated in terms of land use. The specific type of agrarian structure includes farms combining several features in the use of labor, land and financial resources of agriculture, which are qualified as family, mixed, capitalist and large-capitalist (oligarchic) types of management [1]. The essence of the characteristic of sustainable development of agricultural land use is to increase the efficiency of land use through the transition to land reproduction. This is a world goal and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation today, at least in regulatory documents, adheres to it. On the territory of the Non-Black Earth Economic Zone of the Russian Federation there are a large number of multidisciplinary objects - land users, which led to the formation of complex multi-functional, economic complexes (types of agricultural structures). Therefore, the main functions of sustainable development of agricultural land use are economic, environmental and social, taking into account the legal provision of economic activities of all land users.

Issue № 7, July 2021, article № 2

Technology transfer methods within the framework of the institutional approach in the digital agrarian economy

The development of technology transfer methods based on the regulation of existing and introduction of new institutions that do not contradict the prevailing conditions for the development of the digital economy is an urgent task of scientific research. External influence directed on the organizational system of management and mediated by an effective institutional environment contributes to the positive functioning of the technology transfer mechanism. In this regard, it seems appropriate to develop methods for technology transfer within the framework of the institutional approach in the development of the digital economy. The proposed methods for activating the process of technology transfer involve the use of categories due to the existence of objective economic laws and ensuring the effectiveness of incentives for the market system of the economy. The developed methods: a method of introducing innovations, the method of forming an intensive market interaction of economic entities and the method of transforming information products and services into an autonomous component of the domestic agricultural economy contribute to the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for the transfer of industry technologies, which provides a positive development dynamics mediated by the growth of agricultural competitiveness, the activation of innovation and investment processes.

Issue № 7, July 2021, article № 5

Methodological approaches to bioenergy assessment and environmental and economic efficiency of agricultural techniques in crop production: certain aspects

Increasing the efficiency of crop production in the Russian Federation in order to ensure the food independence of the country in the context of an import substitution policy determines the relevance of the topic of the study. The solution of this problem is possible on the basis of economical energy consumption and rational use of fertilizers, taking into account their negative impact on the environment. In this regard, the aim of the study is to develop methodological approaches to bio energy assessment of certain agricultural techniques and rational use of fertilizers in domestic crop production based on the calculation of environmental and economic efficiency in the context of the digital transformation of the country's economy in an unstable market environment and for the strategic future. The article sets out the definitions of energy efficiency in the production of crops and proposes a system of indicators for their calculation. . A comparative analysis of the production of crop production in farms of all categories for the period from 2016 to 2020 was carried out. The use of fertilizers in the country and their importance (specific gravity) in the growth of crop yields of various natural and climatic zones are shown. The work outlines an environmental approach to the use of fertilizers, which, according to the digital block "Digital Agriculture," will make it possible to obtain environmentally friendly products and have a minimal negative impact on the environment. It is noted that in order to obtain maximum efficiency from the use of fertilizers, it is necessary to take into account their effect on subsequent crops in crop rotation, soil fertility, the need of plants for nutritional elements at each stage of organogenesis, as well as the payback of each type of fertilizer additionally obtained products.