
Issue № 8, August 2021, article № 6

Personal consumption as a factor of food security of the perm territory

Solving the problems of ensuring food security in Russia as a whole and its individual regions involves ongoing monitoring of the processes of formation and use of food resources, including their personal consumption, the results of which allow us to substantiate the prospects for the state of the regional market of food resources and the degree of ensuring food security. Identification of the main trends in personal consumption of food resources of the Perm Region to justify the potential growth of the market capacity for certain types of products as a factor in ensuring food security in the region. Methods of statistical analysis, methods of comparison and grouping are used. The information base was the materials of the official statistics of the Perm Region for 2015-2019. The assessment of the processes of personal consumption of food resources of the Perm Region allowed us to identify reserves for the growth of personal consumption of products of our own production and an increase in its share in the domestic market of the Perm Region. The most significant reserves were identified for dairy products – 240-250 thousand tons (up to 30‰) and vegetables-130-150 thousand tons (up to 40‰).The results obtained made it possible to identify the segments of the domestic market of food resources of the Perm Region that are most accessible for their saturation with products of their own production: the segment of dairy products and the segment of vegetable products.

Issue № 8, August 2021, article № 8

Workable population, level of unemployment and robotization of agriculture in the regions

The article discusses the problems of the relationship between robotization and the provision of regions with labor resources, as well as the impact of the use of robots in agricultural production on the unemployment rate. The purpose of the study is to determine the dependence of the density of robotization of agriculture on the proportion of the able-bodied population of the regions and the level of unemployment in them. The results of the grouping of regions into four groups according to the density of robotization of agriculture are presented. The share of the rural population in the group of regions with a high robotization density is 24.2‰, and increases to 31.5‰ in regions where robotics is not used in agricultural production. The registered unemployment rate in the group of regions with a high density of robotization is 5.17‰, and in regions that do not use robotics - 7.3‰, which allows us to conclude that there is a negative relationship. Specific recommendations are given on the advisability of priority robotization of agriculture in regions with a high proportion of the rural population, since the introduction of robots in agricultural production does not increase unemployment in rural areas and will prevent the technological backwardness of the industry in these regions. The analysis data can be used for a spatial model of robotization of agriculture, depending on various factors and the zoning of rural areas according to the expediency of robotization of the industry.

Issue № 8, August 2021, article № 9

Competitiveness of domestic products poultry farming in foreign markets

The article deals with the problems of the development of the poultry farming sub-sector from the point of view of increasing the competitiveness of its products in foreign markets. The relevance of this research area is emphasized, based on the tasks set for the industry. The dynamics and main directions of the development of foreign trade in agricultural products are analyzed. The balance sheet characteristics are presented: production, export, import, consumption, including per capita poultry products. It is emphasized that the competitiveness of products is determined by price and quality parameters that characterize the usefulness of the product, its use value. Moreover, the price competitiveness of agri-food products is a complex of cost characteristics of products, which also take into account its qualitative characteristics, which determine the demand for products on the market. The assessment of the competitiveness of domestic poultry products in foreign markets was carried out on the basis of the following indicators: average prices of agricultural producers in Russia and in the main exporting countries; export prices of products; the coefficient of revealed comparative advantage (RCA-Balassa index). The study revealed that Russian export prices for poultry meat are significantly lower than in the main exporting countries, which indicates a certain potential for increasing exports, provided that production efficiency is further improved and costs are reduced. At the same time, the volume of export supplies, despite their increase in recent years, remains at a low level, which does not allow us to fully speak about the competitiveness of these products on the world market.

Issue № 8, August 2021, article № 11