
Issue № 9, September 2021, article № 10

Economic justification for the creation of a greenhouse complex for the cultivation of strawberries and green crops

In recent years, many enterprises have appeared on the Russian market that is capable of growing fresh strawberries and green crops all year round. At the same time, there is a certain shortage of these products. The volume of production lags far behind the volume of demand. The reason can be considered the predominance of open field production and the impossibility of growing these crops in the autumn-winter period in agricultural enterprises. The choice of suppliers turns out to be quite limited, and the prices for strawberries and green crops are quite high, inappropriate to the offered quality of these products. The difficult political situation in the world, as well as the consequences of the pandemic, aggravating the crisis phenomena, has a significant impact on production. As a result the volume of imports has decreased, which has led to a significant reduction in the volume of receipts from other countries. The trend of transition to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition allows us to say with confidence that an increase in the production of greens and berries is required throughout the year. The aim of the study is to analyze the current state of production of berry crops and greens, as well as a feasibility study for the creation of a greenhouse complex for the production of these types of products. The authors of the article propose a project option for building a business - creating a greenhouse complex «from scratch».

Issue № 9, September 2021, article № 11

Issue № 9, September 2021, article № 17

Green economy in russia and the world: state and prospects

The article is devoted to the development of the concept of a green economy in Russia. The authors note that with the development of social relations and the increase in the efficiency of industrial production as a result of the consistent development of the concept of sustainable development, its logical continuation appeared in the form of the concept of a green economy. The focus of the goals and objectives has shifted towards increasing the use of renewable resources and energy sources, reducing hydrocarbon emissions in all sectors of activity, greening and rational use of agriculture and fishing, water and forestry, industry, construction, transport, tourism, and recycling household and industrial expenses. At the moment, there is a discussion in the economic community about the degree of influence of the implementation of the green economy concept on the development of our country. The implementation of the concept of a green economy in Russia poses threats to the competitiveness of leading domestic industries in the short and medium term, but new opportunities for development are opening up in the long term. In general, there is an understanding that without the comprehensive development of measures to stimulate a green economy in Russia, the negative consequences in the future will be insurmountable, therefore the main question is not the need for a transition to the concept of a green economy, but the speed and intensity of this transition, as well as the amount of necessary material and the financial resources required to transform the Russian economy.

Issue № 8, August 2021, article № 1

Strategic priorities of agri-food system in conditions of the export-oriented development of apc

The changes of export structure in conditions of the trade wars, volatility of prices on the energy carriers for Russia are the matter of urgency. In order to increase non-energy export in 2018, there was approved national project “International cooperation and export”. However, in 2019-2020 Russia didn’t manage to achieve the planned volumes of manufacturing export. At the same time, export of AIC goods increased at higher rate. In the end of 2020 national project was renewed. Targeted indicators of its realization were decreased not only concerning the manufacture but also AIC. This was stipulated by the series of factors. One of them is the following: high growth rates of AIC goods export were planned but in pandemic conditions the planned terms couldn’t be met without the damage of internal market. Besides, aspiration of the manufactures to increase retail prices for the internal market to the export prices stipulated the price growth on the food. This decreased the economic availability of the food. Another factor of project renewal is predominance preservation of the products with low added value in export. Therefore, perfection of the state regulation of AIC development, prediction and planning of production and export of the agri-food products is urgent. It’s necessary to carry out the increase of export supplies taking into account the interests of Russian consumers. It shouldn’t harm the purchasing ability of the population.