
Issue № 10, October 2021, article № 16

Employment development and profitability factors the population of rural areas (based on the results survey of village heads)

The attraction of labour resources to rural areas is limited by the low level of profitability of rural residents. The task of the modern period is to change the situation; the development of rural areas is one of the priorities. The study assessed the factors of employment and profitability of the rural population based on a survey of 459 respondents (rural elders of the region). The survey showed that the majority of the rural population (47.5%) is involved in the field of personal subsidiary farming; only 17.2% are engaged in crop production and animal husbandry. The average income level has increased in recent years, but remains low. 43.3% of respondents noted that the majority of the population of settlements are poor. The main source of income for families is wages (35.7% of respondents). A significant share is accounted for by income from additional work – 9%. The main activity of obtaining additional income is employment in a personal subsidiary farm – 66.6%. According to 63% of respondents, additional work allows rural residents to receive an income of up to 5 thousand roubles per month. Comprehensive diversification of the rural economy, support for farming and alternative forms of employment, self-employment in rural areas will smooth out the negative trends in the decline in the overall level of employment and generate additional income.

Strategic planning for the development of agriculture in russia

The article provides a retrospective analysis of the system of state strategic planning and management in the Russian Federation, since the reforms of the 1990s. In the context of the transformation of the state into a market model of the economy, the creation of a strategic planning system has become a matter of the country's survival. However, a new theoretical and methodological basis was formed in the paradigm of the theory of market economy, which restricts state intervention. The escalation of the internal systemic crisis and external threats forced us to move away from theoretical dogmas and develop management mechanisms adapted to the realities of Russian reality. For 15 years, the system of strategic management in the Russian Federation has been created, the quality of goal setting has changed, and the mechanism of distribution and regulation has been improved. In general, there are three main stages of the system's evolution: program-target planning, integrated programming and project management. Agriculture has become one of the strategically important objects of public administration; therefore, the methodological experience of strategic planning for the development of the agro-industrial complex is the best in the practice of strategic management. Currently, the Strategy for the development of the agro-industrial complex and the fisheries complex until 2030 is the best example among such industry strategies in terms of the quality of methodological development.

Sensitivity of russia's agriculture to foreign trade policy

The reaction of Russian agriculture to scenario changes in foreign trade policy is investigated in comparison with the base period of 2013-2017. The research method is scenario modeling using version 2.1 of the numerical model of partial equilibria in the wholesale markets of agricultural products of Russian regions (VIAPI model), which presents the markets of six agricultural products located in 82 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, taking into account transport links between them. Opportunities for such deviations from the foreign trade policy of the base period, which in the short term (within the boundaries of the five-year period) would lead to unequivocally favourable changes in the situation of the country's agriculture without losses for the consumers, have not been identified. It is found that the existing territorial and sectoral structure of the country's agriculture and the current foreign trade policy are well adapted to each other. In particular, in the crop industries, any deviation from the baseline policy leads to the loss of any market participant. A paradoxical effect is revealed: the export-oriented Russian crop production sectors are the beneficiaries of export-cutting policies. Stimulating exports, in line with theoretical expectations, increases production in kind, but milk production turns out to be an exception to this rule. The same applies to product prices: the same measures, as predicted by the theory, cause them to rise, with the exception of milk prices.

Impact of national projects on the development of the economy of the agricultural regions of russia

The state economic policy aimed at ensuring the balance and security of the national economy is of particular importance for the development of agricultural regions, the preservation of jobs and budget equalization. The implementation of the system of national projects at the regional and municipal levels makes it possible to ensure the socio-economic leveling of the country's territories in terms of the quality of life of rural and urban residents, an increase in labour productivity and the availability of modern technologies, the necessary resources for effective economic activity, including in the agro-industrial complex. The purpose of the study is to determine the directions and strength of the influence of the system of national projects on the development of the economy of the agrarian regions of Russia in the context of the active introduction of digital technologies, updating the Atlas of professions and restrictions, which are determined by sanctions factors and СOVID-2019. In the course of the study, the author's approach to the structural analysis of research objects was used, based on the results of which a typology of agricultural regions of Russia by the level of economic development was presented, confirming the need for a differentiated approach to managing the development of these territories, taking into account the state policy of ensuring food security, equal access to a comfortable and safe environment. a habitat. Also, taking into account the presented systematization of national projects, the result of comparison of target indicators and the actual situation in the agricultural regions selected for analysis is presented.

Comprehensive assessment of innovations in project management

The article considers a special type of management activity – the management of the development and implementation of investment projects that should be effective, i.e. ensuring the improvement of the characteristics of the activity they are aimed at improving. At the same time, they should be implemented both in technical and technological, and in other aspects, including financial. Another important requirement is an acceptable risk level for all participants. The development, carried out within the framework of the activities of the World-Class Scientific Center «Agrotechnologies for the future» of the Russian State Agrarian University – MTAA named after K.A.Timiryazev by a team of employees of the Department of Management, is designed to organize a systematic assessment of project proposals, business plans and the implementation results of innovative investment projects in the field of selection and seed production of vegetable crops. This methodology takes into account both industry specifics and general rules for evaluating the effectiveness, feasibility and risks of innovative projects using the most informative methods of analysis and automation of all necessary calculations. The forms of presentation of initial data and calculation results are given, as well as a number of examples of using these results at the pre-investment, investment and operational stages of the project cycle. The study was carried out on the basis of methodological recommendations of international and domestic research organizations.