
Issue № 10, October 2021, article № 10

International cooperation in scientific research of the agricultural sector

Analysis of modern scientific articles has shown that the problem of intensifying international scientific cooperation in the agricultural sector, the influence of the sponsorship system on cooperation at the international level has not been sufficiently developed. The authors analyze the statistics of scientific articles of Russian researchers with the involvement of foreign co-authors in the field of the economy of the agricultural sector based on the materials of the Internet platform Web of Science, which combines abstract databases of publications in scientific journals and patents, including databases that take into account mutual citation. In total, 2,215 articles on agricultural topics were analyzed. As a result of the analysis of publications on the economy of the agricultural sector over the past 3 years, it was found that Russian researchers publish the results of scientific work, mainly in co-authorship with representatives of Russian educational and research institutions. Thus, only 3 articles on agricultural problems were published in collaboration with foreign researchers. The problem areas for the implementation of international projects in the field of agriculture have been identified. A comparative analysis of the topics of publications by Russian researchers and topics of international grants from various organizations showed the possibility of implementing scientific projects of Russian scientists at the international level.

Issue № 10, October 2021, article № 11

Information technologies in the study of the regional level of vegetable oil consumption

The vegetable oil market is one of the most capacious, saturated and highly competitive, the dynamics of which is determined by a high yield of oilseeds and an increase in production capacity by processing enterprises. Vegetable oil is a must-have product, as it is traditionally used by households for cooking. The consumption of food products, including vegetable oil, is determined by a multitude of socio-economic factors obeying the law of supply and demand. The action of the market mechanism manifests itself in complex processes that determine the state of the market, the pace and main proportions of its development. In this regard, in the study, it seems appropriate to identify the determining factors in the consumption of vegetable oil. The basis for predicting the regional level of consumption of vegetable oil is a regression model, which made it possible to determine the significant influence of the average per capita income of the population on the formation of the consumption function. Studies have shown that a change in the proportion of the population with money incomes below the subsistence level by 1% leads to an increase in vegetable oil consumption per capita by 0.81%. An increase in the per capita income of the population by 1% contributes to an increase in the consumption of vegetable oil by 1.37%. Taking into account the dynamics of the average per capita income of the population of the region, on the basis of the correlation-regression model, the level of consumption of vegetable oil was predicted until 2026.