
The digital Industry and Digital Opportunities in Agrarian and Industrial Complex: State, Potential and Trends

The article considers the potential of using the economic reserves of digital technologies for the development of the domestic agro-industrial complex. Analysis of foreign experience in the implementation of modern digital and agro-industrial complex projects allowed the authors to propose intersectional areas of innovative development of the complex in the context of its integration into the ecosystem of industry 4.0. Considerable attention is paid to the problems associated with the use of digital solutions to overcome obstacles to the development of the Russian agro-industrial complex, which was a base branch in 2020. There were ensuring import substitution of products and services of foreign suppliers, scaling up successful agro-industrial complexes at the regional level and finding financial and resource reserves for reintegration in the agro-industrial complex - production of previously unclaimed land and production resources of the complex. The probability of attracting digital solutions from related areas by an agricultural manufacturer is considered. The main obstacles in the context of the use of infrastructural digital innovations in the agro-industrial complex of Russia in 2021-2030 are highlighted. Based on the results of the analysis carried out in the article, the authors formulated the directions of digital industrialization of the agro-industrial complex.

Mechanization of Production Processes in Small farms

The article examines the stages of the formation and development of small forms of management in the agricultural sector of Russia and the impact on the economic indicators of the means of mechanization. An analysis of the development of agriculture in Russia in the periods from 1991 to 2004 and from 2005 to 2019 allowed the authors to conclude that in the initial period, the period of the beginning of reforms in the economy, small forms of farming developed at a higher rate than in general by the branch of agriculture. In the period from 2005 to 2019, the rate of development of small forms of farming has slightly decreased due to the development of agricultural organizations. Considerable attention is paid to the influence of the provision of agricultural production with machinery, as exemplified by the provision of tractors. The dependence of the yield of agricultural crops on the provision of production with agricultural machinery in farms of all categories and small forms of farming is considered. The study analyzes the size and number of peasant farms by land area and number of livestock. On the basis of this analysis, a fleet of equipment for private farms and private households with various production volumes was proposed. Based on the results of the analyzes carried out in the article, taking into account the standards of the need for equipment for the mechanization of production processes in plant growing and animal husbandry, the authors proposed a set of equipment for the mechanization of work in small forms of farming.