
Issue № 12, December 2021, article № 14

Russia in the international trade of major tropical fruits

The main types of tropical fruits are bananas, pineapples, avocados, mangoes, and papaya. According to statistics from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, the total global imports of these five fruits in 2019 amounted to 31.14 million tons, while in 1992 11.76 million tons, that is, increased by 2, 67 times. Bananas account for most of their physical turnover. They are predominantly grown and exported from the developing countries of the world, while their importers are developed countries. Russia has been actively involved in the international trade in tropical fruits relatively recently, but currently occupies significant positions in the world market for some of them. During the period of the USSR, certain volumes of import of bananas and pineapples were carried out during 1961-1991, as well as mangoes in 1969-1980. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the import of tropical fruits into the Russian Federation began to grow, but in the 90s of the XX century, for most of them, it was limited by the low paying capacity of the population. Subsequently, as the incomes of Russians increased, the volume of imports of tropical fruits increased significantly, reaching maximum volumes in 2011-2019. It was revealed that in 2019 our country was in third position in the global ranking in terms of physical imports of bananas, in ninth - avocado, thirteenth - mango, fourteenth - pineapple, eighty-eighth - papaya. A small part of these types of fruit and berry products imported into the territory of Russia is re-exported to neighboring states, such as Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and others.

Issue № 12, December 2021, article № 17

World market of mineral fertilizers and its influence on grain industry

The main product of a person at all times was bread and bakery products, raw materials for the production of these types of products are grain and grain products. Therefore, it becomes necessary to increase the efficiency of production of cereals. To optimally solve this problem, it is necessary to develop the cultivation of cereals due to the process of intensification. First of all, it is a complete provision of agricultural production with mineral fertilizers, according to regulatory estimates of the introduction of optimal doses. Based on this, the article discusses the current state of the mineral fertilizer market in the world as a whole, as well as in our country, analyzed their production at the global level and in Russia. The qualitative characteristics of mineral fertilizers are given, the classification of this product is given, their main manufacturers have been identified and determined, the global conjuncture of the relevant market is investigated. The volume of global import and export of this product is analyzed, the balance of demand and supply of mineral fertilizers. The work also investigated the problem of using environmentally friendly mineral fertilizers, their effect on the environment after use in the process of agricultural production. The article marked what features and requirements should be considered when making mineral fertilizers, as well as the technology of using this product.

Modern Problems of Spatial Development of Agriculture of the Country and Possible Approaches to their Decision

The main modern problems of the spatial development of agriculture are considered in the context of the planned change in the new administrative-territorial division of the country. It is noted that the possibility of choosing large and largest agglomerations as one of the priorities of the country's spatial development remains one of the most acute and debatable issues, on which agriculture and the functioning of rural territories will largely depend. In the future, it is important to ensure the development of the country's agriculture not only at the expense of large and largest agglomerations, but also of a rational combination of the development of all directions of the spatial organization of the branch and rural territories, which will simultaneously weaken the huge concentration of production resources in separate territories and the uncontrolled accelerated exodus of the rural population, leading to the depopulation of a significant part of rural areas, especially continuing in the vast majority of depressed regions. Ultimately, this should become a guarantee that not all socio-economic life will be concentrated in only a few large and largest agglomerations, and its development will more or less evenly occur throughout the country, including numerous small rural settlements. This will make it possible to maximize the rational use of the existing potential of all regions, to suspend and weaken the trend of over-concentration of the population and economy in individual megacities that has developed over many years, to more objectively take into account the historical and modern realities, national characteristics, the prevailing traditional way of rural life.