
Issue № 1, January 2022, article № 11

Technique of Data Mining Application on Enterprises and Organizations of Small and Medium Business

In article the task of management quality improvement in the sphere of small and medium business is considered. Application of Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Data Mining will allow increasing quality of the accepting management decisions that directly affects success of business. It causes relevance of research. An object of research is Data Mining. In the course of the research by means of expert poll three main problems were revealed: the management personnel do not know absolutely about Data Mining; lack of the specialized software at the enterprises for data mining; absence of the qualified personnel for implementation of Data Mining and results interpretation. The technique of Data Mining application in work of the small and medium business organizations and enterprises is developed for improvement of the management decisions quality on the basis of the gained new knowledge. Technique stages are listed and opened. Results of approbation a technique on the example the «Sklad59.ru» company by means analytical software «Deductor Academic» are presented. As an example, on the basis of data sales are carried out: forecasting of the general sales, forecasting of sales on groups and separate goods; analysis a consumer basket, cluster analysis, statistical and qualitative analytics. The offered technique will allow increasing quality of administrative management at the small and medium business enterprises.

Issue № 1, January 2022, article № 12

Assessment of the Impact of Investments in Agricultural Science on the Technological Development of Regional Agricultural Systems

In the context of the transition to a new technological order, improving the efficiency of scientific research is one of the strategic priorities for ensuring national security and achieving a new quality of scientific, technological and economic development of Russia. High interregional differentiation in terms of natural and climatic conditions and the level of investment provision acts as a significant constraint in the formation of new export positions, which actualizes the problem of improving the state investment policy. The purpose of the study: to assess the impact of investments in agricultural science on the technological development of agricultural systems based on the construction of models by modifying the Cobb-Douglas production function, to determine the optimal level of investment in agricultural science in order to reduce interregional differentiation of technological development. The study of assessing the impact of investments in agricultural science on the technological development of agricultural systems is based on the hypothesis put forward: the multiplicative efficiency of investments in agricultural science is achieved under the condition of a faster growth in agricultural production compared with the growth rate of investments in fixed assets of agriculture. Empirically, the hypothesis was confirmed by calculations using the methodological tools of the Cobb –Douglas function, calculations were carried out to determine the optimal level of investment in agricultural science. The study of the cost effectiveness of agricultural science was conducted on the example of the regions of the Volga Federal District. The results of calculations show that in the regional context, the financing of scientific research is practically not related to the volume of production and the level of technological development of agriculture, in connection with which methodological approaches were proposed and calculations of the optimal level of investment in agricultural science were carried out taking into account the technological development of agricultural organizations.

Issue № 1, January 2022, article № 14

Substantiation of the Economic Motivators of Small Business in Rural Areas for the Development of Aquaculture, the Production of Algoproducts and their Introduction to the Market

The article presents the economic substantiation of the development of small business in rural areas and small towns for the development of aquaculture. The motivators for organizing production of products from microalgae have been identified. The most promising areas of the national economy for the consumption of products from microalgae are presented - plant growing, animal husbandry, poultry farming, fish farming, medicine, cosmetology and rehabilitation of natural reservoirs. With the help of economic and mathematical modeling, the efficiency of the production of aquaculture products by an entrepreneur is shown and the entrepreneurial capacity of the region for the development of aquaculture and the production of algal products is calculated. The integrated capacity of the entrepreneurial potential at the level of 7.63% indicates a low awareness and interest of rural entrepreneurs in the development of the pond business, in the production of products from microalgae. The proposed cognitive-cluster model for the vector - "potential for the production of aquaculture products" allows regional authorities to substantiate the toolkit for supporting and stimulating small businesses to produce innovative products. The results of surveys of residents of the Volgograd region (Kotelnikovo) showed that the most famous products are from the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina platensis (76% of the respondents), they would like to use them in animal husbandry and fish farming as producers of valuable metabolites. The increasing anthropogenic interference with hydrological objects has led to a reduction in the natural food base of fish farming, the emergence of the effect of "water bloom". Cultivation of the strain Chlorella vulgaris IGF No. С-111 can become a promising direction for the improvement of natural reservoirs and activation of food chains in the pond business. The computer program of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution VNIIOZ allows calculating the necessary need for using this strain: "An artificial intelligence system for algolization of freshwater bodies of the South of Russia with the strain Chlorella vulgaris IGF C-111 per water surface area".