
Issue № 2, February 2022, article № 13

Supporting Innovation of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the Agricultural Sector of the USA

The current stage of functioning of the agricultural sector in most developed countries is characterized by the transition to an innovative development model. A special role in the practical application of innovations belongs to small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). The USA is characterized by high innovation activity and a well-developed incentive system for this type of activity. To support the development of innovation processes in the small and medium-sized business sector, two main programs are being implemented in the country: the Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) and the Technology Transfer Program for Small Businesses (STTR), the main parameters of which are presented in the article. In the agricultural sector of the US economy, a new Agenda for Innovation in agriculture (AIA) has been approved. Within the framework of the AIA, a modern Innovative strategy for the development of agriculture is being developed, according to which the main areas of work are aimed at integrating innovative technologies and practices into the programs of the US Department of Agriculture to help accelerate their implementation by producers. It should be noted that Russia lags far behind the world's leading economies in the field of practical use of innovations. The article analyzes the problems and prospects for the development of innovative activity in the agricultural sector of Russia. Studying the US experience in stimulating innovative activity of SMEs in the agricultural sector can be useful for the domestic agro-industrial complex.

Issue № 2, February 2022, article № 14

Experience in Solving Conflict Situations Between Reindeer Husbandry and Wind Energy in the Arctic and Adaptation to Global Climate Changes (on the Example of Norway)

Arctic agricultural socio-ecological systems, among which reindeer herding occupies vast territories, are of great interest in terms of both the use of low-carbon energy sources and the impact on the global climate change process. In this regard, the experience of other Arctic countries is very important for Russia, which has already embarked on the path of local construction of resilient Arctic agricultural socio-ecological systems based on the development of alternative renewable energy sources. The article presents a case study that indicates the importance of Arctic reindeer herding in adapting to global climate change. At the same time, an important problem for the development of the reindeer herding is the solution of emerging conflicts between wind energy and building resilient reindeer herding socio-ecological systems. Of particular concern to reindeer herders is the installation of windmills on reindeer pastures in the tundra ecosystems, which interfere with reindeer herding. Among the possible ways to resolve conflicts is the development of a mixed economy based on a combination of traditional reindeer herding with nature conservation activities and tourism, including ethnographic and cultural tourism. It is concluded that the conservation of tundra ecosystems and traditional reindeer pastures play a significant role in the process of carbon sequestration and, accordingly, in adaptation to global climate change.

Issue № 1, January 2022, article № 1

Rationale for the Priority of Agriculture

The effective functioning of agriculture is the basis for the food supply of the population, thereby solving the issues of minimizing the import of agricultural products, raw materials and developing the export of food products. As practice shows, the growing pace of export activity imposes new requirements on the development of the agricultural sector. In this regard, the role of state regulation is increasing, while observing the principle of special priority for agriculture. In order to substantiate the priority of the industry, the article systematizes the functional tasks of the state both at the sectoral, intersectoral and national levels. It is they who emphasize the importance of agriculture in the socio-economic system and the role of the state in the development of the industry, and the author also proposes criteria for the priority development of agriculture, taking into account economic, social, environmental, technological and financial interests. When justifying the priority development of agriculture, it is necessary to proceed, first of all, from the dependence of agriculture on still uncontrollable natural factors, the seasonality of agricultural production, the interaction of agriculture with biological objects, and the presence of the main factor of production in agriculture - land. The issues of the development of the industry can be solved only with the integrated development of both agriculture and industrial enterprises, taking into account the influence of state regulation.

Issue № 1, January 2022, article № 2

Prospects and Barriers to the Development of Local Production of Farm Products in the Russian Federation During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The conditions of the pandemic are increasing the urgency of food security challenges. Ecologically friendly food is of great importance, which is now perceived by the consumers not only as a fashionable trend in a healthy lifestyle, but also as a necessary condition for maintaining health, immunity and restoring the body after illnesses. In the article, the authors draw attention of readers to the role of local farmers producing environmentally friendly food. The interactions between consumers and local farmers not only create opportunities to overcome the economic crisis caused by the pandemic, but also form the basis for social interaction in the context of sustainable rural development. The aim of the study is to determine the role of local farmers in the formation of a sustainable agrifood system, as well as to identify the prospects and barriers to its development in Russia. An analysis of the legislative regulation of the production of environmentally friendly products reveals a virtually two-stage system of transition to green technologies in agriculture: products with improved environmental characteristics and organic agriculture. As a result of the study, among the opportunities for the development of local farmers, the growing interest of consumers in healthy eating, the development of digital technologies that allow organizing a communication environment for farmers and ensuring short supply chains of farm products to the final consumer are highlighted. Among the barriers to development, the limitation of demand due to the low standard of living of the country's population and the shortage of workers, which intensified during the pandemic, are highlighted.

Issue № 1, January 2022, article № 3

Factors Impeding the Formation of Rational Land Use in Agriculture

The ongoing processes of degradation of agricultural land in Russia lead to a decline in natural fertility and limit the growth of gross yields and crop yields. All this makes it relevant to study issues related to obstacles to the formation of rational land use, which was the purpose of this work. The conducted research made it possible to group obstacles by financial-economic, organizational-technological, administrative-political and subjective groups. Financial and economic barriers are interpreted as a result of low profitability of agriculture. Reproduction of land fertility is a resource-intensive process that requires significant financial, material and labour resources. The most important problem is that the formation of rational land use requires significant costs, both current and capital, the payback of which is quite low and possible only in the long term. Administrative and political barriers are formed by a certain inconsistency of the state policy in the field of land use and the lack of an economic mechanism that would encourage the rational use of land. Organizational and technological barriers are determined by the lack of information transportability, open access to innovative technologies and often the lack of organizational opportunities to implement these technologies in practice. Subjective barriers are explained by the low level of environmental priorities in the mental models of land users and the motives for their implementation, often the lack of knowledge of the theoretical foundations, patterns, mechanisms and basic forms of ecologization of land use.

Issue № 1, January 2022, article № 4