
"Butterfly Effect" and Deterministic Restoration of the Ecosystem of Natural Reservoirs Based on Increasing the Potential of Microalgae

Numerous forecasts of the use and development of water resources are not able to contain the fullness of information, to predict the consequences of technogenic processes. Created in the twentieth century, artificial reservoirs - reservoirs, were among the natural transformations, which over time have lost the ability to self-repair and self-purify. Mathematical models of water systems development built on the basis of hydrological, morphological and climatic data are able to predict metabolic processes and determine optimal approaches to their rehabilitation. In deterministic models, the identification of dominant organisms and the determination of conditions for achieving a balance between different groups of microalgae can serve as priority goals. International practice uses physical, chemical and bioengineering methods to restore reservoirs. During the study, it was proved that the most sparing technologies are biological ones. The positive effect of the introduction of green microalgae – Chlorella vulgaris into the reservoirs was confirmed. During the algolization of the bays of the Tsimlyansk reservoir with the Chlorella vulgaris strain IFR No. C-111, the calculated “desirability index” reached 0.71. In the course of the study, a program for the algolization of natural reservoirs (reservoirs) was developed, Certificates of state registration of computer programs were obtained, which will allow the territorial authorities and entrepreneurs to carry out the algolization of reservoirs more efficiently.

Mechanism for the Reproduction of Human Capital in the Agricultural Sector

The formation of human capital is a priority task of any industry. The agricultural sector ensures the food security of the country, the reproduction of human capital within the system can be considered a successful model for the transfer of skills, knowledge, experience and skills. The importance of factors for the reproduction of human capital is also confirmed by the active career guidance work of the industry, the existence of separate branch universities with dual subordination, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Agriculture. Universities are one of the fundamental institutional formations, the purpose of which is the formation of human capital for a specific industry - the training of qualified human resources. Nevertheless, after studying at branch agricultural universities, only 43% of graduates work in their specialty. The purpose of the study is to develop a mechanism for interaction between agricultural universities and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation for the implementation of new directions on the basis of the university, the projected need for which will arise in the near future. Methods of structural and comparative analysis, econometric, sociometric methods, as well as expert assessment were used to create the mechanism. The proposed methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the educational process was tested in one of the regional technical universities and showed low effectiveness of the educational process, the reason for which is initially the poor quality of the organization of career guidance activities.

Economic Prerequisites for the Creation of an Interstate Cluster for Deep Grain Processing: Organizational Problems and Development Prospects

Russia and Kazakhstan are one of the largest wheat grain producers in the world, with a total production of about 100 million tons in 2020. The export component makes a significant contribution to the profitability of the sub-sector, since the export of wheat grain from Russia and Kazakhstan in 2020 amounted to about 38 million tons and 6 million tons, respectively. Despite significant volumes of wheat grain exports, Russia and Kazakhstan import the most important products of its deep processing from abroad. The unsustainable ratio of grain exports to imports of their products causes significant damage to the agro-industrial complex of each country. In this regard, the creation of an interstate cluster for deep grain processing on the principles of public-private partnership is becoming relevant. The article analyzed the current state of wheat grain production, including in the border subjects of Russia and Kazakhstan, reviewed the experience of countries with a developed industry of deep grain processing, and also analyzed the most popular products of deep grain processing on the Russian market. The creation of a cross-border cluster (Russia-Kazakhstan) on the basis of a public-private partnership for the deep processing of wheat grains into products with high added value, as well as the calculation of the economic efficiency of creating a cluster with a second degree of deep processing of grain of this crop, which provides the greatest synergistic effect, is justified.