
Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 10

State and Trends of Development of Dairy Cattle Breeding: Regional Aspect

The functioning of domestic dairy cattle breeding is determined by the variety of climatic and socio-economic conditions, the combination of which determines the feasibility of the development of various types of farming. Currently, trends in milk production volumes are largely shaped by factors of intensive development, as evidenced by the increase in milk production against the background of a decrease in the number of dairy herds. At the same time, the structural proportions by categories of farms in the regions of Russia differ significantly. Thus, the average values in the country indicate the practical parity of the production of small forms of management and enterprises, while in the Volgograd region, small forms of management continue to prevail in milk production, which are characterized by the use of outdated technologies, low production efficiency, the prevalence of the social component in the development of agribusiness. At the same time, there is a high concentration of milk production in the segment of agricultural organizations, as well as the industrial nature of economic activity, which provides a transitional state of reproduction, from simple to expanded, taking into account significant state support. The limitation of intensive growth is due to the high capital intensity of technological innovations in dairy cattle breeding. As a result, the actual parameters of milk production in relation to its consumption form a shortage of products, the level of which is significantly reduced in the field of processing, emphasize the high proportion of imported raw materials. The deviation of production volumes from milk consumption leads to the need for a more dynamic growth of milk production and dairy products. At the same time, the investment opportunities of the overwhelming majority of commodity producers indicate a greater demand for organizational and marketing innovations in dairy cattle breeding. In this regard, ensuring the digital transformation of economic processes in the organization, management and sale of agricultural food will contribute to the development of cooperation of agribusiness entities and saving transaction costs, which will create new conditions for increasing innovation activity in the dissemination of capital-intensive technological innovations that will accelerate the pace of milk production.

Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 14

Features of the formation and use of fruit resources in Russia in the post-sanction period

The article examines the impact of measures of mutual struggle between Russia and the countries of the collective west in the foreign trade of food in the period from 2014 to 2020, as well as state support on the processes of formation and use of resources of seed crops in the country. It was established that in Russia there is an increase in the production of fruits of the main domestic fruit crop - apple trees - due to the laying of intensive orchards in commercial forms of management. During the period under review, the import of apples and pears into the country decreased by 20 and 40 per cent, respectively, as well as the country structure of imports of these fruits changed. Deliveries of fruits from EC countries were partially replaced by deliveries from the CIS countries, South America, Africa, Turkey and Serbia. In the structure of apple imports, unauthorized deliveries (more than 15%) occupy a large share without a statement from the country of origin. The presence of such food on the market reduces the effectiveness of protectionist measures to support the increase in domestic production of industrial gardening. During the analyzed period, the volume of apples going for industrial processing increased the type structure of production of fruit processing products in the country changed. In recent years, there has been an increase in the production of baby food, fruit and berry jams, mashed potatoes and a decrease in the production of fruit juices. The raw materials for these types of production remain mainly im-tailor products. To activate the processes of import substitution in the production of fruits and their processed products, it is necessary to increase the volume and targeting of state support in the processes of laying intensive gardens, the formation of modern production infrastructure, the selection of fruit and berry crops, the creation and support of nursery breeding, phytosanitary and varietal control of the produced planting material.

Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 15

Using Methods of Economic and Mathematical Modeling in Increasing the Efficiency of the Regional Agro-Industrial Complex

Theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of the application of economic and mathematical methods in the development of managerial decisions in the economy of the regional agro-industrial complex are considered. The problems of accurate quantitative assessment of the efficiency of resource use and taking into account their availability, substantiation of optimal options for development and functioning of regional AIC. Model object example revealed and proved the possibility of practical application of methods of economic and mathematical modeling in increasing and achieving maximum indicators of economic efficiency. The substantiation of the model program for optimizing the parameters of the development of the model object of southwestern Belarus was implemented in 2020, based on the actually achieved indicators of the functioning and development of the economy for 2017-2018. A developed stochastic optimization economic and mathematical model of the upper level was developed to calculate optimal development parameters according to the criterion of optimality maximum mathematical expectation of profit. Based on the results of the solution of the economic and mathematical model, recommendations were developed on optimal parameters of intra-farm land use. The improvement of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the functioning and development of the branches of the model facility on the basis of economic and mathematical methods of optimization as a whole will increase the level of production of marketable products by 3.7%, and labour productivity - by 5.8%.