
Issue № 4, April 2022, article № 11

Development of Large Integration Business Structures in the Modern Agro-Industrial Complex of Russia

Holding companies are the most common form of agro-industrial integration. The main advantages of large integration structures in the agro-industrial complex include the possibility of diversifying production, the availability of modern infrastructure, possibly the introduction of new technologies, the availability of financial resources, and the possibility of entering the sales markets of products. It was noted that large integration agro-industrial business structures, in the current conditions, have more opportunities to diversify their production compared to small and medium-sized enterprises. These processes determine the strategic importance of streamlining integration processes in the agro-industrial complex. The study emphasizes that now it is advisable to develop large integration business structures with a single cycle "production - processing - marketing" of finished products that can actively use new equipment and equipment, introduce new technologies, modernize existing production, and solve issues related to import substitution. The increase in competitiveness of enterprises included in large agro-industrial business structures is due to the presence of intersectoral exchange within a large structural unit. Accordingly, the formation of large agro-industrial associations is advisable to build on the basis of the active development of priority sectors of the agro-industrial complex with the development of logistics, ensuring the reduction of the chain of intermediaries in the production of finished products and bringing it to the end consumer or trading network. In conclusion, it was concluded that large integration business structures are able to actively withstand the challenges and patterns that currently exist in the Russian economy, ensuring food security and guaranteeing the stable development of the agro-industrial complex.

Issue № 4, April 2022, article № 14

Innovative Development and Improvement the Resilience of Northern Food Systems (Example of Northwest Canada)

At the regional level, case studies on resilience and innovative development of northern and arctic food systems have been conducted in Canada's Northwest Territories (NWT). As a result, sub-components of the NWT agri-food system were identified. In the natural sub-system, the predominant components are climate, soils and ecosystems. The more common components of the social sub-system include policy, rules, governance and socio-cultural norms. Knowledge and access to resources are the predominant sub-components of the core system services, while production and consumption are the major sub-components of the system's core activities. It has been established that the innovative development of food systems in the NWT is constrained by high transport costs and export tariffs for expensive food products, which negatively affects the profitability of food producing companies. In many rural and remote areas, there is a general shortage of labour, and especially of highly qualified specialists, which can become an obstacle to the development of the industry. Other obstacles include the difficulty of introducing new food products, as well as new innovative technologies already in use in more southern areas. Government programs to support agri-food systems in some cases cause economic headwinds for local food producers, as the subsidized cost of imported food is often lower than the actual cost of food produced in the north. An additional challenge for food production in Canada's NWT is the implementation of "Complex Land Claims (CLCs)". While the regulation of the CLCs has empowered indigenous and local people in many ways, the specific articles contained in these agreements have also created obstacles to the development of the food industry, with most regional CLCs banning the commercial sale of traditional foods.

Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 4

Stages of Improvement of Technical Means and Change of Technological Structures of the Economy

The acceleration of the pace of scientific and technological progress in modern conditions is accompanied by the manifestation of a complex of numerous phenomena, a variety of directions, the realization of scientific achievements in the life of society, in the process of gradual transfer of individual human functions, and the performance of complex production operations by technical means. In the future, improving the machine complex as a whole, changing each link taking into account changes in other links will allow automating and digitalizing production at a qualitatively new technical and technological level, implementing progressive innovative methods of organizing and managing production. In the machine complex, human actions are replaced by the force of nature in such a way that the complex is a created productive force, manifested only if lively labour is attracted. The evolution of technology stimulates the activities of the scientific community in the technical and technological segment, contributes to the formation of new technological frameworks in the country's economy. At the same time, it was established that the basis for changing the technological structure is the fundamental changes in the development of productive forces, not only technological progress, but also the renewal of the labour force, which should have competencies that meet the requirements of the new technological structure.