
Issue № 4, April 2022, article № 1

Set of Priority Anti-Sanction Measures Aimed at Improving Innovation Policy in the Agricultural Sector of the Russian Economy

The article considers modern organizational and economic approaches to the formation of innovative policy in the agricultural sector of the Russian economy in the face of unprecedented Western sanctions. Problems have been identified that hinder the solution of strategic tasks of scientific and technological development in the country. The high significance of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017-2025 as the main direction of agricultural development in the conditions of the sanctions struggle was noted. The main sectoral priorities of scientific and technological development of agro-industrial sectors are listed, which should be coordinated with business, scientific and scientific-educational community. The use of a practical-oriented approach to the study of priority anti-sanction measures for the scientific and technological development of the agricultural sector made it possible to justify the need to use appropriate mechanisms and tools of state support for the industry. It is shown that in modern economic conditions, the development of the agricultural sector of the economy should be based on an integration approach in conjunction with harmonized mechanisms and instruments of the EAEU countries. It is justified and proposed for the introduction in the Eurasian space of various kinds of industry unions (for example, breeders and seed growers) of cross-border clusters on the basis of public-private partnership. The issues discussed in the article may be included in the concept of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia for the medium and long term.

Issue № 4, April 2022, article № 3

Methodological Aspects of the Essence of the Category "Organizational and Economic Mechanism"

The article examines the relationship between the categories "economic mechanism" and "organizational-economic mechanism". The economic mechanism is proposed to be considered as a set of regulators that determine the possibilities and limitations of the development of individual entities operating in a particular environment, and the regulations of intra-system and inter-system interactions. As the key regulators that form the economic mechanism, it is proposed to single out legal, political, administrative, organizational, economic, social, environmental and other regulators. It is noted that such an approach can be used to describe the content of the economic mechanism only at the macroeconomic level, since at the level of economic entities there are somewhat different principles for organizing economic systems and intra-system interactions, methods and tools for influencing the functioning of their individual elements. The proposed approach to the disclosure of the content of the category "organizational and economic mechanism" is based on the understanding of the mechanism as a way of organizing economic systems, as well as their inherent intra-system and inter-system interactions. The author's approach to describing the content of the organizational and economic mechanism is proposed to be called structural and functional, since the structure of the mechanism (its element-by-element composition) is determined based on the functions implemented by the mechanism, the structure of the system itself and the external environment, and conditions that allow the mechanism to implement its functions. The functional complexity of the organizational and economic mechanism objectively allows the need to use the principle of decomposition, which implies its consideration as a set of mechanisms of a lower level, the subject area of which is localized within a separate function or any process. The views presented in the article on the problem of revealing the essence of the organizational and economic mechanism and its composition are an invitation to discussion.

Issue № 4, April 2022, article № 6

The State of Financing of Investments in Fixed Assets in Agriculture of the Region

Features of the agricultural sector of the economy affect the financing of the reproduction process of the means of production. The most important factor, in our opinion, is the volume of capital investments in the industry. The main task of the state in the near future is to increase the level of purchasing power of agricultural enterprises through the use of direct subsidies. Undoubtedly, the volume of investments in the fixed assets of agriculture should increase from 3% to 6-7% in the structure of federal budget expenditures. An instrument to support agricultural enterprises by the Government may be the compensation of their expenses for the purchase of expensive equipment, tractors, combines. This will increase the pace of renewal of fixed assets of farmers, as well as the volume of sales of products of suppliers of means of production for the village. In the context of limited financial resources, the urgent task of increasing the efficiency of using fixed assets of agricultural organizations is the choice of the most priority sources of financing the reproduction of funds, which is also typical for the agricultural sector of the economy of the Ulyanovsk region. The article analyzes the current state of financing investment activities in agricultural organizations of the Ulyanovsk region, including at the expense of own sources, borrowed funds and state support for the reproduction process in the industry, as well as trends and patterns of changes in performance indicators of the use of sources of financing the reproduction of fixed assets in agricultural organizations Ulyanovsk region.