
Issue № 1, January 2024, article № 6

Organic production in the regions: economic, social and budgetary effect

Russia has concentrated on its territory everything necessary for the development of agriculture and the production of organic products: long-term agricultural traditions, large areas of agricultural land, as well as a low level of intensification and chemicalization of the agro-industrial complex in comparison with developed countries. Thus, the average use of mineral fertilizers in the European Union is 212 kg / ha, while in Russia – 47, and in the Altai Territory -23 kg / ha (according to 2022). In modern economic conditions, the effective management of agricultural production depends on the degree of its equilibrium and the organizational and economic methods used. Public consciousness has reached a level of development at which the criterion of agricultural production is not only an increase in the volume of products produced, but also the conservation of natural resources, due to constantly increasing pressures on environmental factors – soil cover, biological organisms, atmosphere and water resources, which leads to a violation of the fragile natural balance. Unjustified excess of the norms of synthetic mineral fertilizers, excessive use of chemical plant protection products, non–compliance with a scientifically based crop rotation system, the use of intensive agricultural technologies have led to serious environmental consequences - a decrease in soil fertility, depletion of the humus horizon, a reduction in the population of animals and birds in areas of intensive agricultural production, the release of chemicals into the atmosphere and water resources. Theoretical and methodological issues related to the formation of the mechanism of transition of agricultural organizations to the use of methods of ecological production remain unresolved.

Issue № 1, January 2024, article № 7

The organic agriculture market conditions: growth opportunities for the Russia

The purpose of the study is to explore the dynamics of the development of the global and domestic organic agriculture market and clarify growth opportunities for the Russian Federation. The methodological basis of the study is an integrated approach, within which data series on the main indicators of the development of organic production, their dynamics and correlation in the Russian Federation and the world are considered. The area of world certified organic lands has been continuously growing since 2000 (509.3% growth), in the Russian Federation for 10 years the dynamics is positive (348.2% growth), for 2019-2021 it is negative (2.8% reduction). In 2021, the area of land under the production of organic products in the world is 76.4 million hectares, in the Russian Federation - 655.5 thousand hectares. In 2021, there were 3.7 million producers, 118.7 thousand processors, 8.6 thousand importers and 9.3 thousand exporters of organic products in the world. There are 66 producers and 19 processors of organic products in the Russian Federation. The volume of the global market for organic products in 2021 amounted to 125 billion euros. On average, annual consumption of organic products in the world is 15.7 euros per capita. In the Russian Federation, the market is estimated at 183 million euros, consumption is 1 euro per person. The market for organic products in the Russian Federation grew in 2019-2021 somewhat faster than the global and European markets. The share of Russia in the world market of organics is 0.15%; the share of organics in the food market in Russia is 0.13%. In 2021, world exports of organic products amounted to 4,689.1 thousand tons; from the Russian Federation to the countries of the European Union - 15.9 thousand tons, to the USA - 45.9 thousand tons. 63% of the organic products market in Russia is imported. The main trends in the development of organic production have been identified: a slowdown in the global annual growth rate of the organic products market (from 13.4% in 2020 to 3.5% in 2021); acceleration of the domestic market: in 2020 by 1.9% (3.0 million euros), in 2021 by 18.1% (28 million euros). The possibilities for the growth of organic agriculture production in modern Russia are shown: the accelerated development of organic production in Russia in the field of crop production and dairy cattle breeding until 2035; opportunities for expanding the export of organic products from the Russian Federation in terms of products of deep processing with high added value.

Issue № 1, January 2024, article № 8

Diffusion of milking robots in Russia

The reduction in the number of people employed in agriculture, the high share of heavy manual labor, increasing requirements for the maintenance of cows and the quality of dairy products, an increasing number of rural farms are beginning to introduce automation and robotization into their production. This is especially important now in the context of sanctions imposed against Russia and the policy of import substitution. Particular attention is paid to the spread of milking robots; in particular, an analysis of the use of Lely and De Laval robots in regions and individual agricultural enterprises of the country was carried out. The advantages and disadvantages of robotic milking are reflected, as well as factors influencing the implementation of this technology. It is shown that for farms in the Kaluga and Vologda regions, the Republic of Tatarstan, which are leaders in the number of installed milking robots in Russia, there has been an increase in the average annual milk yield per cow since their introduction. In addition to milking robots, other types of robots are used in agriculture, for example, barn cleaning robots, feed pushers, and robotic feeding systems. However, at present, further robotization of the dairy industry is experiencing difficulties due to the fact that most milking robots are produced abroad, and after February 2022, some of their leading manufacturers (for example, Lely) left the Russian market. However, Russian developments are emerging, which will reduce dependence on foreign technologies.

Issue № 1, January 2024, article № 9

Dynamics and structure of oilseed production in the Russia

Over the past 30 years, significant structural changes have taken place in the country's crop production. The average volume of gross harvest of oilseeds in the regions of the Russian Federation increased by 8 times during the analyzed period, the median value of the volume of gross harvest of oilseeds increased by 196 times. The maximum volume of the gross harvest of oilseeds increased by 3 times, and if in 1996 the leader was the Krasnodar Territory, then in 2021 it is the Rostov Region. The production of oilseeds is mainly carried out in agricultural organizations, although the share of peasant farms (individual enterprises) has increased over the analyzed period and currently stands at more than 30%. The volume of gross harvest of oilseeds in peasant farms (IE) has increased over 30 years by more than 23 times, in agricultural organizations by more than 6 times, and in farms of the population has practically not changed. A comparative analysis of the regions in terms of yield, sown area and gross harvest of oilseeds shows that four regions that are leaders in terms of sown area (Rostov Region, Saratov Region, Altai Territory, and Volgograd Region) and one region in terms of yield (Krasnodar Territory) are among the seven leading regions in terms of gross harvest. The increase in the volume of gross harvest of oilseeds is currently mainly due to an increase in the sown area. During the period under review, there were structural changes in the volume of oilseed production by type. Thus, in 1996, 85.5% of the total production was occupied by sunflower seeds, 8.8% of soybeans, 1.2% of mustard seeds, and 4.17% of rapeseeds. In 2021, sunflower seeds already occupy 63.0% of the total production of oilseeds, soybeans - 19.15%, mustard seeds - 0.58%, rapeseed - 11.24%.

Issue № 1, January 2024, article № 10

The current state and prospects of grain production development under the conditions of sanctions pressure

Grain production plays an important role in ensuring the socio-economic efficiency of the agro-industrial complex. The purpose of this work was to study the current state, identify problems and substantiate the prospects for the effective functioning of grain production. The study was conducted for the period 2013-2021 and is based on a quantitative analysis of the comparison of grain production parameters in various categories of farms. The authors have identified modern trends in the development of grain production, characterized by the expansion of the acreage of grain crops, the increase in yields and gross fees, changes in the structure of production, as well as a gradual reduction in the role of agricultural organizations. The positive dynamics of the development of the industry allowed to increase the level of self-sufficiency in products to 150%, the share of exports in the volume of manufactured products increased to 35.3%, and the consumption of bread products per capita, despite the reduction, remains 20% higher than the established rational norms. The article localizes the list of the most promising markets in terms of location, availability and tariff policy for Russian goods. The strengths and weaknesses of grain production are identified, the possibilities of their minimization are substantiated, associated with the expansion of sales markets, maintaining the volume of state support and promoting the export of products, strengthening the financial condition of agribusiness entities, improving the logistics system, increasing the material and technical security of farms. The current directions of the industry development are determined on the basis of the introduction of promising technological solutions, solving the problems of technical equipment, provision with seeds and agrochemicals, improving the culture of agriculture, as well as the development of the commodity distribution system and the diversification of sales markets.

Issue № 1, January 2024, article № 11

Issue № 1, January 2024, article № 13

Trends in the development of the Russian food and processing industry in the context of new global challenges

The article analyzes the dynamics of production in the food industry, as well as exports and imports of food and agricultural raw materials, while clarifying that against the background of relatively stable development of the food industry over the past decade, indicators of foreign trade in food have shown a multidirectional dynamics of change. It is shown that the actively developing conditions for increasing the investment attractiveness of the food industry have had a positive impact on industry indicators characterizing the efficiency of the use of human resources. In order to substantiate promising trends in the development of the food and processing industry in Russia, a regression analysis of production in the food industry, as well as exports and imports of food and agricultural raw materials, with finding the functional dependence of the dynamics of changes in their values over time and building a short-term forecast. At the same time, for all the analyzed indicators, the short-term forecast of the trend direction obtained by regression models is confirmed by a preliminary assessment of their values for 2022, taken from official information sources. The trends in the consumption of food by the population, which have significant differences depending on the cultural characteristics of different countries, are analyzed. The main trends in the development of the Russian food industry supported at the state level are highlighted, in particular, support for import substitution processes, partial legalization of «parallel» imports, stimulation of innovative developments, maintenance of export-oriented industries and individual producers.