
Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 7

Role of Domestic Agrarian Science and Education in the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex Under Western Sanctions: Innovation-Oriented Approach

The article is devoted to the role of domestic agrarian science and education in the development of the country's agro-industrial complex in the context of unprecedented Western sanctions. The restrictions and risks of both agricultural producers and industry science related to the mobilization economy have been identified. The increase in agricultural production in the country is largely due to an increase in labour productivity in the industry. The need to create technological clusters at agricultural universities of the country on the basis of public-private partnership is justified. The successful development of the country's agricultural sector in "new conditions" is impossible without the involvement and interest of young and qualified personnel (Priority 2030 program, Agricultural Science initiative - a step into the future development of the agro-industrial complex). Amendments to the Federal Law "On Science and State Scientific and Technological Policy" of 23.08.1996 have been proposed, as well as in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1998 in order to increase the resource and scientific potential of universities and research institutes of the agricultural profile. The significance of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017-2025 (hereinafter referred to as the FNTP) in the context of the sanctions struggle is shown. The need to attract private investment in agricultural science has been proven, since the ratio of domestic research and development costs in agriculture to the gross added value created in the industry is almost 1.5 times lower than the same indicator in science as a whole. Concern was expressed about the instability in the personnel support of the domestic agricultural sector of the economy, associated with low wages and poor working and living conditions in rural areas. In conclusion, a set of priority anti-sanction measures aimed at the development of the agricultural sector is given, which can be successfully used in the development of the concept of innovative development of the Russian agro-industrial complex for the medium and long term.

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 14

Trends and Cyclical Patterns of Grain Production

Efficiently functioning grain industry, due to the multitude of inter-industry relations, makes it possible to form a large part of the food supply of the country and its population. Food supply is formed not only at the expense of grain processing products, but also at the expense of livestock products, for which the grain industry is the main supplier of concentrated feed with high protein content. The study, identification and justification of development trends in the grain industry are the key to understanding the processes taking place in the industry. Based on statistical data from 1951 to 2020, the phases of economic growth and decline in grain production in the Russian Federation and the Nizhny Novgorod region, as well as the features of their course in different territories, were identified. Grain production at the level of the country and the region is a system, the elements of which are agricultural organizations with the economic cycles occurring in them. Using harmonic analysis, the effect in grain production of five main waves with a cyclic structure was revealed. The description of the dynamics of the actual size of the gross grain harvest and its size per capita by the waves found is more than 95%. The determination of cyclic patterns in grain production in the Russian Federation and its regions makes it possible to predict the development of the grain industry and timely apply economic measures in accordance with the predicted results of possible scenarios of functioning.

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 15

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 16

On the Composition and Classification of Factors in Rural Development

Rural development is seen as a set of partially interrelated parallel economic processes of agricultural and agri-food modernization and economic strengthening, convergence of rural and urban living standards and economic conditions, local diversification and integration rural and agricultural economy, as well as the expansion of socio-economic ties between actors in rural areas. The accentuated attention of development regulators to one or another of the above components is formed by alternative rural development concepts and directions, which are expressed in such categories as " agricultural development", "development of rural areas", "rural economy development", "rural socio-economic development”, etc. Depending on the chosen concept, researchers concentrate their scientific interest on certain sections of the economic development factor space. They ordering it accordingly: to the origin place in relation to agro-economic systems, to their nature, functions or management capabilities. The authors propose to classify it in accordance with the modern economic development theory directions into three factor groups related to resources (resource, structural and quantitative factors), and into three factor groups related to the economic environment (institutional, complementary and dependency factors). The proposed classification has as its main task assistance in the development processes decomposition of the agro-economic systems, as well as in the choice of research tools. The views presented in the article on the problem of studying rural development and its factor space are an invitation to discussion.