
Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 15

Information Technologies in Forecasting the Risk of Bankruptcy of Agricultural Organizations in the Region

Early diagnosis of the risk of bankruptcy of any organization, including the organization of the agro-industrial complex, is one of the most significant and important problems that require a balanced approach and solution. In modern conditions, the central problem in the Russian economy is the insolvency of organizations. To predict the financial condition of organizations, models for assessing the likelihood of bankruptcy are used. However, in order to achieve higher accuracy of results, it is advisable to constantly adjust the set of indicators and the values ​ of the coefficients of weight influence of each indicator, taking into account industry specifics. To this end, it is necessary to constantly monitor the financial condition of organizations, which will allow building models for forecasting bankruptcy that are adequate for Russian conditions, allowing for reliable and objective results. The work presents the results of an analysis of the financial condition of agricultural organizations of the Ulyanovsk region using information technologies. At the current stage, approaches and methods that make it possible to assess the likelihood of bankruptcy in advance, predict the onset of financial insolvency of the enterprise are of great interest. The main existing models for predicting the likelihood of bankruptcy, their advantages and disadvantages in relation to agricultural organizations in the region are considered, which generally allows for a comprehensive assessment of their activities.

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 1

Concessional lending to enterprises of the agro-industrial complex: State, Efficiency and Development Problems

Within the framework of this study, an assessment is made of the volume of subsidized loans in the agro-industrial complex of Russia. The performance indicators of the use of soft loans by agricultural organizations of the Ulyanovsk region for the period 2016-2020 are considered. The positive role of concessional loans in shaping the dynamics of the industry development, ensuring investment and operational activity in the agricultural sector is revealed. The key aspects of the effectiveness of the implementation of the mechanism for preferential lending to agribusiness enterprises are considered from the perspective of all participants in this process: agricultural producers, regional authorities and authorized banks. The key problems of the implementation of the mechanism of concessional lending to the agro-industrial complex for the period of its operation are identified, among which are: the lag in the growth rate of sales from the growth rate of lending to agricultural enterprises; low efficiency and weak return on bank loans, including those provided on concessional terms; growth of accounts payable of agricultural enterprises. In the context of a record high key rate and increased interest rates on bank loans, a decrease in funding from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and changes in the conditions for concessional lending to agro-industrial complex, the problem of revising the current mechanism for concessional lending becomes especially acute.

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 2

Process of Reproduction of Basic Agricultural Resources of the Region and its Effectiveness

The final results of the organization's activities largely depend on the quantity, cost, technical level and efficiency of the use of fixed assets: profitability cost of its products, profit, profitability, and financial stability. A radical restructuring of production based on the introduction of a new economic mechanism orients it towards the economically justified use of all its elements, the clear interaction of which, with a rational structure of the means of production, makes it possible to ensure normal economic activity in the new economic conditions. Therefore, for the effective functioning of the enterprise, it is necessary to have certain means and sources. One such source is fixed assets. The reproduction of fixed production assets is an important process of transforming fixed assets, which ultimately determines the state of security and efficient use of these resources in the agriculture of any regional system. The article substantiates the need to study the reproduction process and notes the importance of timely write-off, renewal and technical improvement of fixed assets of any economic entity. The authors assessed the current state, movement and effective use of fixed assets of the agrarian formations of the Ulyanovsk region, supported by research on the sources of financing of capital investments of agricultural organizations in the region and trends in the volume of state support for the reproduction process in the countryside.

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 4

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 5

Methodology for Assessing Material Damage from Break in Electricity Supply of Large-Scale Agricultural Organizations

The article considers the generalized structure of the total damage from a power outage, shows the peculiarity of assessing social and environmental damage, provides a method for determining material damage for large-scale agricultural enterprises using the method of specific damage, taking into account the influence of the factor under study (electricity costs) on the change in the cost of production. When assessing material damage, it is necessary to take into account the consequences of damage to equipment, which includes the following: the need for a complete replacement of failed fixed assets and the need for repair work to restore them. This allows you to define material damage as the cost of fixed assets being replaced, or the cost of their restoration. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that complex engineering and technical systems are used in the agro-industrial complex, therefore, if one element of the system fails due to a power outage, the entire engineering and technical system may need to be replaced or restored, which will lead to a significant increase in material damage. The proposed methodology for assessing material damage from power outages makes it possible to more accurately and adequately assess the impact of this factor on the final results of the activity of agricultural organizations, contributes to the adoption of competent management decisions to minimize such risks, and the effective allocation of resources.