
Issue № 7, July 2022, article № 12

Fuzzy-Possible Approach When Evaluating Agricultural Technologies Based on Explicit and Implicit Expertise

The use of expertise (EK) and the accumulated experience of highly qualified specialists in agriculture are traditional and ubiquitous. This practice is explained by the difficulty of modeling agricultural processes and technologies by deterministic mathematical methods. However, to date, a fuzzy-possibility approach has been developed to formalize explicit and implicit EP in the form of mathematical models in a multifactorial space for solving practical problems. Two examples of constructing fuzzy-possibility models (FPMs) are considered. The first one is for evaluating and forecasting: yield as a generalized indicator of the efficiency of the technological process for the production of grass feed, and the second one is the content of exchangeable energy in the resulting feed. The tasks were solved according to a unified methodology from a unified position, but each in its own factor space. It is shown that the results of quantitative evaluation using the constructed models make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the technologies used, as well as to compare the results obtained with the true state of forage production from grasses in farms, depending on the technologies used by them. The adequacy of calculations based on the actual states of the various applied technologies proposed by the NVM allow us to recommend the considered approach for application in agricultural enterprises of the North-West region of the Russian Federation.

Issue № 7, July 2022, article № 13

Digital Transformation of the Agricultural Production System: Essence and Stages of Initiation

Digital transformation is considered as a specific stage in the evolutionary transformations of economic systems associated with their reorientation to a development model based on the massive use of digital technologies involved at all stages of reproduction and the transformation of the system of intersubject interactions. There is an objective differentiation of industries and areas of activity in terms of the level of readiness for digital transformation, due, first of all, to their internal specifics and the presence of factors that limit the transformational potential of the economic entities representing them. As the objects of digital transformation of agriculture, it is proposed to single out: economic benefits, production technologies, systems of state and economic management, a system of intersubject interactions, economic entities of the agrarian sector and agriculture as a branch of social production. As the basic stages of making a decision to initiate the processes of digital transformation of agricultural producers, it is proposed to single out: diagnosing the level of readiness for digital transformation, assessing available and promising digital technologies, assessing the possibilities of integration into a single information space, choosing a digital transformation strategy, planning it, assessing the potential effect of carrying out digital transformation. It is concluded that the massive introduction of digital technologies creates objective prerequisites for the modernization and information support systems of economic entities in the agricultural sector, providing the opportunity to use fundamentally new tools for implementing information support functions, increasing the speed, reliability and quality of analytical processing of information, the level of its systematization and accessibility for all stakeholders, improving the system of vertical and horizontal information interactions and communications.

Issue № 7, July 2022, article № 14

Modeling of the Formation of a Digital Platform for Managing the Agro-Industrial Complex

In the work from the system positions, the problems of the formation of digital platforms for the agro-industrial complex are considered. It is shown that the ambiguity and uncertainty of the concept of a digital platform leads to the blurring and confusion of the scientific systematic approach to the digitalization of the management of the agro-industrial complex, as well as to a huge number of options for the development of this process, which prevents the fulfilment of the main requirement of the digital economy - the integration of data and algorithms, reflecting the two main principles of transition from the stage of informatization of economic management to the stage of its digital transformation: the formation of a rational data management structure with the widespread integration of their disparate elements into a single system based on the developed digital standards and rethinking of the technology and organization of production management. The lack of a scientific classification of digital platforms leads to the determinology of their concept, when many in the country understand the digital economy as new forms of payments and communication with consumers, but not new forms of management and economic relations. Therefore, on the basis of clustering and analysis of the evolutionary development of informatization tools, an original definition of a digital platform is given and criteria are proposed for creating, based on mathematical and ontological models of their formation and representing the unity of cloud digital subplatforms that reflect digital standards: a subplatform for collecting, storing and integrating operational primary accounting information all enterprises in a single database; technological accounting subplatform; subplatform of data processing algorithms. For the agro-industrial complex, the facts of the applicability of a single digital production management platform are given. It is shown that in this case the greatest efficiency of digitalization of production will be achieved, since information becomes available to enterprises of all sizes. The general introduction of it into the value chains of products with the participation of different industries makes it possible to move to a new type of production relations: to direct sales, in which the manufacturer identifies the end consumer, the volume and structure of his demand.

Issue № 7, July 2022, article № 15

Digital Model of Land Rent Formation and Regulation in the Region's Agro-Industrial Complex

The purpose of the study was to create a digital model for the institutional regulation of land rent in agriculture, based on the justification of the principles and mechanisms for calculating and controlling the processes of its formation, withdrawal and distribution, taking into account the growth of their relevance in conditions of high food inflation. The theory and methodology for assessing the cadastral and market value of agricultural land in a digitalization environment, in a geo-information environment was used. A general diagram of the institutional model and a working digital platform consisting of four main blocks are presented, in which, based on information on all expenditure items in the context of all crops (groups), output and its implementation, the initial amounts of land rent are determined. Auxiliary (analytical and calculation) units related to the markets are connected to them: means of production; products and raw materials for processing; agricultural land, as well as a block for calculating deviations (seizures or increments) of land rent. With the help of auxiliary units, information is submitted to the platform on possible changes in prices of suppliers of means of production and buyers of agricultural products and raw materials. According to this data, the size of the seizures (increments) of land rent is determined. The model can be attractive not only for users of land rent (land owners (owners), the state and society), but also for direct producers, since parallel calculations of the entrepreneur's profit are carried out, demonstrating its possible losses from the actions of various counterparties. The novelty of the study, consisting in the development of an exclusive digital full-format model of institutional regulation of land rent in the agro-industrial complex of the region, is confirmed by calculations using reliable information from agricultural producers of the region.

Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 2

Assessment of the Functioning of the Organizational and Economic Mechanism for Supporting Exports at the Federal Level

In the context of a difficult political and economic situation, which causes uncertainty in the external environment, risks of international relations, the issue of improving the organizational and economic mechanism for supporting the export of agricultural products to the Russian Federation becomes relevant. Despite the positive dynamics of the implementation of the federal project "Export of agricultural products," problems and barriers to the development of export activities remain, which are intensified under the influence of sanctions pressure, restrictive measures and the transformation of global food markets. To form directions for improving the organizational and economic mechanism for supporting the export of agricultural products, comparative analysis methods, systematic and situational approaches were used. The main problem is the lack of consistency of program and strategic documents aimed at developing export activities in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation. In order to resolve the problem, it is proposed to determine promising product categories and sales markets for Russian agro export using a strategic and proactive approach to government management based on scientifically based methods. It is suggested that the consistency of agro export development strategies, programs and concepts at different levels of management will increase the manageability and efficiency of the implementation of projects for the development of agro export of the Russian Federation and ensure the sustainability of the development of the agro-industrial complex in the long term.

Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 3

Import Substitution: Opportunities and Limitations of Agricultural Organizations Development in the Face of External Shocks

The intensification of the import substitution policy in recent years is due to the development of the global geopolitical situation, accompanied by an aggravation of trade and economic relations. Russia has been under sanctions pressure on the economy for several years. Currently, the policy of import substitution is more successfully implemented in terms of providing the population with food products. The country in a fairly short time for most types of agricultural products and food has reached the parameters that were established in the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation. In this regard, we consider agriculture as a driver for the implementation of the import substitution policy and a priority for the policy of reducing import dependence. The import substitution policy opens up new opportunities related to the development of technologies; industrialization; attracting investments, including through public-private partnerships; expansion of concessional lending to agricultural producers; the emergence of new enterprises and, as a result, the creation of new jobs; growth in exports of domestically produced goods; expanding opportunities for the emergence of new domestic products that are competitive in the world market. However, new opportunities also bring new threats. Subsidizing agricultural production is fraught with certain consequences: since individual companies are owned by foreign investors, it turns out that the state supports foreign capital. The result of limiting external competition may be the monopolization of the domestic market by large enterprises, which also carries certain risks.