
Issue № 7, July 2022, article № 2

Self-Sufficiency of Regions And Increasing the Role of Small Forms of Economic Activity as Factors in the Development of Agri-Food Policy

The article notes that economic, social and environmental aspects are closely interrelated in the agro-food policy, and together they indicate the expediency of its orientation towards self-sufficiency of most regions with basic foodstuffs. Arguments are given in favour of this, including the need to reduce transport costs and disperse the animal population across the territory to reduce epidemiological and other risks. The reasons hindering this process are named, the main of which are insufficient consideration of the principles of spatial distribution of agricultural production, stimulation of the monopolization of property and concentration of production in agriculture, support for small forms of management on the residual principle. It is shown that the arguments cited to justify the latifundia that have arisen in the industry are biased, since the achieved level of food security could be ensured without the creation of large agricultural holdings that carry large-scale risks. The consequences of miscalculations made in planning the placement of agricultural production and in the development of small forms of management in the industry are listed. Among them are the growth of unemployment in the countryside and its denudation, the deterioration of the environment in a number of regions, and excessive disproportions in the production of basic types of agricultural products per capita by region. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop an agro-food policy, focusing on the self-sufficiency of the regions with basic foodstuffs and increasing the role of small farms.

Issue № 7, July 2022, article № 6

Main Trends in the Development of Additional Vocational Education in the Agro-Industrial Complex in the Context of Digitalization

For the effective use of modern IT, it is necessary to ensure the availability and efficiency of advanced training and professional retraining of managers and specialists of the agro-industrial complex who meet the requirements of the digital economy, the development of digital literacy and the formation of appropriate digital competencies in the conditions of continuing education. Currently, the development of knowledge is possible on the basis of the participatory interaction of the teacher and the listener and involves the construction of the teacher's relationship with students, based on cooperation, dialogue, complicity, delegation of powers, creative interaction, the transition from the subject-object learning paradigm to the subject-subject, the formation of a new educational digital way. The development of a model of personalized training and methods for its effective distribution is one of the main directions of digital transformation of education. It is necessary to develop new programs for the continuous professional development of professors and teachers, ensuring their readiness to implement modern models of the educational process, taking into account the requirements of the digital economy. An integral part of the strategy to improve the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex is the creation of an effective educational infrastructure that can quickly respond to the needs of the real sector of the digital economy. That is, the task is to form a new approach to DPO as a proxysystem between human capital and socio-economic institutions, an intermediary between DPO users and targeted consumers of human capital.