
Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 7

Analysis of Websites of Agricultural Research Institutions

The websites of 216 agricultural research institutions were investigated. For this study, the main indicators of site evaluation were developed, characterizing its condition and including an evaluation of content, services and services, design, search capabilities, structure, site information, site availability. It is noted that most of the sites are relevant, information is available. It has been established that 30 experimental stations and 2 research institutes have no sites, 12 sites do not work, and 4 sites are unsafe. The websites of 168 research institutes were analyzed and it has been found that all of them are state-owned, representative in content. According to the availability of information, 141 sites are open, 27 are semi-open. 65 research institutes combine scientific and educational activities. 37% of research institutes have their own periodicals and access to full tests of publications is provided on the websites. Links to third-party resources are provided by 54% of research institutes. Only 32% of research institutes are represented in social networks. 18% of research institutes have versions of the site in English, and 22% have a version of the site for the visually impaired. The websites of 100 research institutes (60%) are adapted for mobile devices. It has been established that 66 research institutes are engaged in commercial activities and have an online store. 152 regularly updated relevant research institute websites have been identified. It has been failed to identify general trends in the site construction of the agricultural research institutes. The analysis of the websites revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the websites of the agricultural research institutes. Improving the quality of the websites of the agricultural research institutes, the convenience of users require regularly updating of information on websites, structuring of website content, development of library pages, placement and access to full texts, adaptation for mobile devices.

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 10

Factors Affecting the Region's Self-Sufficiency in Vegetable Products

Self–sufficiency of the population with basic foodstuffs is the main task of the regions. The solution of this problem cannot be the same for all subjects of the country. Each region has its own peculiarities, specifics in various fields. From climatic and demographic factors, to territorial location, logistics interchanges, political, financial and other factors. Vegetable growing as a sub-branch of agriculture itself imposes additional bindings on the possibility of achieving the necessary level of self-sufficiency. The authors have analyzed, in our opinion, the most significant factors affecting the self-sufficiency of regions with vegetables and products of their processing. The Siberian Federal District is taken as a basis, the regions of which differ significantly from each other in such indicators as: gross vegetable production, population, consumption and production of vegetables per capita, monetary incomes of the population, technological equipment of vegetable production and processing. To study the dependence of self-sufficiency of the region, the following main factors were selected. These are the consumption of vegetables and vegetable products per capita, the average annual and according to medical standards, the gross production of vegetable products in the region and the average monthly monetary income of the population. The correlation dependence technique was used. Using the normative method and the correlation method, two options for gross vegetable production were calculated, taking into account imports and the level of self-sufficiency of the region.

Issue № 7, July 2022, article № 1

Ensuring Technological Sovereignty in the Agro-Industrial Complex of Russia in the Conditions Of Sanctions Pressure

The article is devoted to issues of technological sovereignty in the country's agro-industrial complex in the conditions of economic sanctions of unfriendly states. The high dependence of domestic agricultural producers on foreign producers of innovative technologies, as well as the necessary means of mechanization and chemicalization for agricultural production, was noted. The need to increase the funds of budgetary financing of research organizations in order to develop domestic breeding both in crop production and in livestock breeding is justified. This is due to the fact that currently the ratio of domestic research and development costs in agriculture to gross value added created in the industry is almost 1.5 times lower than the same indicator in science as a whole: 0.70 and 1.03 percent, respectively. A significant reduction in created varieties and hybrids of crops (by 18.5%), developed new and improved technologies (by 37%) for the period from 2015 to 2021 was shown. The significance of the national project "Science and Universities" as one of the main tools for ensuring technological sovereignty in the agricultural sector of the stratum economy was noted. The role and significance of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017-2025 (further - FNTP) has been determined, which is designed to remove the dependence of the domestic agricultural sector on Western technologies in crop production, animal husbandry, feed production, storage and processing of agricultural products. Mechanisms and tools for innovative development of the agricultural sector have been developed and strategic directions have been formulated that require immediate solution in the new economic conditions.