
The Legal Regulation of the Use of Information Systems in Agriculture

The Federal state information systems are important for the development of digital agriculture, but issues related to their implementation and use have not yet been properly reflected in special literature. Specialists in the field of information law consider these issues precisely from the point of view of the technological functioning of these systems themselves, and administrative scientists - from the point of view of their use in public administration. The specific practice of using FSIS in the field of agriculture is almost not considered by scientists, although from a practical point of view, it is long overdue to analyze a sufficient number of problems and unresolved issues, as well as identify ways to solve them. The objectives of the study are to study and generalize the normative material on information systems functioning in the field of agriculture, the practice of their implementation and action, the search for ways to improve the legal regulation of information relations. Using the dialectical-materialistic method of scientific cognition of objective reality, as well as general scientific and private methods, the authors come to the conclusion about the undoubted advantages and prospects of using individual information systems. The results of the research are the development of scientific and practical recommendations and proposals for improving the legal regulation of the activities of authorized bodies in connection with the implementation of their public information functions in the field of agriculture.

Features of the Development of "Green Logistics" in the Context of Digitalization of Agriculture

The modernization of the material and technical base of agricultural producers is directly related to the dynamics of the reorganization of supply chains based on the use of innovative technologies. The quality of technological transformation can change the management of production infrastructure chains from a linear business model to an integrated one in which information is distributed omnidirectionally. Digital agribusiness is changing the requirements for transportation to improve production efficiency, achieve greater transparency and control over supply chains, and reduce the impact of negative external factors resulting from specific logistics activities. The article reflects the relationship between logistics and strategic management of agricultural production in achieving and increasing the competitiveness of the agri-food sector of the domestic economy. Digitization processes require special strategic planning in the agro-industrial complex, business process reengineering in order, on the one hand, to avoid social tensions, and on the other hand, to promote the development of a logistics system focused on improving consumer value chains and protecting environmental welfare. Logistics integration, shared by agro-food, transport companies, retail chains, involves close coordination of various logistics activities along the production infrastructure chain in order to harmonize the optimization of material and financial flows, taking into account customer requirements, thereby increasing reliability and speed of response to market requirements.

Continuous Education of the Agro-Industrial Complex in the Context of the Digital Economy

Technological changes associated with the transition to the use of digital technologies in all spheres of production and the economy of the agro-industrial complex, the use of artificial intelligence in the management of technological objects and processes of the agro-industrial complex, robotization and the introduction of automated systems in the business processes of the agro-industrial complex, impose new requirements for the qualifications of agricultural workers. It is obvious that there is a need to train personnel for the agro-industrial complex, easily adapting to changes and quickly mastering new equipment and digital technologies of modern agricultural production. Currently, the training of agricultural specialists is impossible without continuous agricultural education, where the key element is the system of additional vocational education. The purpose of the article is to consider continuing education in the training of agricultural personnel in the digital economy on the basis of the Russian State Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev. The article presents an example of the program implementation of additional professional education "Digital transformation in agriculture"; the developers of which are teachers of the Department of Applied Informatics. The structure and content of the program includes current trends and trends in the digital transformation of agriculture and agricultural education, the specifics of agricultural production as an object of digital transformation, GIS and remote sensing technologies and their application in agriculture, information and analytical systems in the economy and management of agriculture. Interpretation of the practical results of the study determined the need for a variety of short-term professional development programs in the system of continuing education, their relevance and practical implementation. Students and teachers note that it is important to implement a practice-oriented approach, dual training in continuing education, to show the practical significance of the transferred knowledge and skills in real life conditions. Today, the training of agricultural personnel is impossible without the use of a new model of training in the system of continuing education, which takes into account the challenges of the digital economy.

Development of Individual Entrepreneurial Initiative in the Agro-Industrial Complex of Russia

The purpose of the study is to develop directions for improving the state policy of stimulating entrepreneurial initiative in the field of agro-industrial complex through the impact on human capital. Analyses of dynamic series, methods of experimental behavioural economics, structure analysis, graphic and tabular methods of data presentation are used as private scientific methods of research. The author identified and characterized the factors affecting the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities for business by new participants in the agro-industrial complex. Such factors include: total human capital (education and work skills), specific human capital (entrepreneurial self-efficacy and previous entrepreneurial experience), and social capital (structural social capital and cognitive social capital). The development of entrepreneurial initiative is determined by two control components: individual control (age, gender, size of the economy), state control (through the level of national welfare). To justify the composition of the tools of state financial support for the development of entrepreneurship, a laboratory experiment was conducted on three sets: students studying, university graduates, active entrepreneurs and self-employed. It has been proven that stimulating investment in human capital should be based on strengthening the potential of agricultural educational institutions not only in the context of basic secondary and higher education, as well as on the formation of rural infrastructure. The results of the experiment made it possible to justify the complexity in stimulating entrepreneurial activity and the priority of individual measures. Specific directions have been proposed for improving the instruments of preferential taxation, lending and grant support for novice entrepreneurs in the agro-industrial complex.

Issue № 9, September 2022, article № 14

Modeling and Analysis of Projects for the Development of the Bakery Sector in the Region

The analysis of investment projects for the construction of bakery enterprises and infrastructure facilities based on the results of optimization of their location allows us to develop a program for the development of the bakery sector of a remote subsidized region, ensuring an increase in the competitiveness of local producers. The study reveals the specifics of the combined application of methods of investment project analysis and mathematical modeling for optimal location of capacities of bakery enterprises of various productivity and capacities of raw material supplying centers. The proposed approach allows making evidence-based decisions on the development of the bakery sector which makes it possible not only to ensure the highest efficiency of the sector, but also to achieve economic and physical accessibility of bread and bakery products for the population. The analysis of the baking industry of the Republic of Karelia, a remote northern region, where the problems of providing bread products to the population are particularly acute, is carried out. A methodological approach to the development of a program for the development and territorial placement of the baking entities in the region is described. The effectiveness of investment projects for the creation of bakeries and a network of distribution centers supplying them with raw materials is evaluated, and the fair distribution of income among all participants of the multi component project is provided. The fairness of income distribution is ensured by equalizing the ratios of the amount of discounted benefits to the amount of discounted costs of participants for the entire accounting period of the project. That is, participants receive the same income per unit of costs incurred (both current and capital). At the same time, multi-time cost flows of participants are brought into a comparable form using discounting, discounting can be carried out at individual discount rates that take into account the differences of participants in their opportunity cost of capital, and, finally, since only incremental net benefits are used in cash-flow calculations, there is an opportunity to use individual lost benefits that participants could receive in a situation "Without" the project.