
Reproduction of the Machine and Tractor Fleet of the Agricultural Sector in the Conditions Of ESG Transformations

The article evaluates the reproduction processes of the machine and tractor fleet (MTF) of domestic agricultural producers, considers organizational and economic approaches to the reproduction of MTF of all categories of agricultural producers in the conditions of imposed sanctions and the implementation of ESG principles. The role of leasing in the technical support of producers of small and medium-sized enterprises is determined. Prospects and real possibilities of compliance with ESG principles in the restoration of the technical potential of agricultural producers with the use of preferential leasing instruments are determined. As an effective measure to reduce the negative impact on the environment and improve the quality of life of the population, the possibility of a partial transition of agricultural machinery to gas-powered fuel is being considered. The implementation of the proposed transition, on the one hand, is focused on solving environmental problems, and on the other hand, it involves a number of difficulties in its practical implementation, the basis of which is the need to create an appropriate infrastructure for the delivery, storage of gas and refueling of agricultural machinery in the field. The paper considers the already existing gasification plant for agricultural machinery. A deterrent to the mass transition of agricultural machinery and equipment to gas engine fuel is the lack of necessary production infrastructure in rural areas. The agricultural sector is significantly lagging behind in the implementation of "green" technologies.

On the Formation of the Concept of Digitalization of the Value Chain of Potatoes and Vegetables

The process of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex allows agricultural producers to ensure the automation of the production of potatoes and vegetables at all levels: smart farming, GPS monitoring and navigation, drones and robotics, next-generation agricultural machinery, bioengineering, vertical farming, smart logistics, smart packaging technologies, block chain technologies, big data, energy efficient technologies, etc. The efficiency of agricultural production today remains quite low: about 40% of products are lost at the stages from cultivation to processing, another 30% - during processing, storage and transportation. According to experts, the main risks of potato and vegetable growing today are not natural, but administrative factors, a significant part of the product is obtained at different stages of the supply chain, as a result - a little more than half of the grown products come to the consumer. For example, in the Netherlands, this figure does not exceed 10%, which indicates the need to carefully study the possibilities of logistics and better use of its tools in vegetable growing enterprises. In order to increase productivity and reduce losses in the agricultural value chain, various digital technologies are being actively developed and implemented. At the government level, a roadmap for the development of IoT in the agricultural industry is being developed, according to which the share of agro-industrial enterprises using IoT solutions should be 30% by 2025.