
Digital Model for the Development of Agricultural Entrepreneurship in Russia: Technologies, Risks, Perspectives

The article seeks to bridge the gap between the digital development of agriculture as a sector of the Russian economy and domestic agricultural entrepreneurship. The purpose of the article is related to the study of a digital model for the development of agricultural entrepreneurship in Russia from the standpoint of technology, risks and prospects. To do this, a review of HSE and Rosstat statistics from collections for 2021-2022 is being carried out. The technological and risk profiles of the digital model for the development of agricultural entrepreneurship in Russia are compiled by comparing the statistics of agricultural enterprises with Russian entrepreneurship. A comparative analysis of the obtained profiles at the level of entrepreneurship with a strategic direction in the field of digital transformation of the sectors of the agro-industrial and fisheries of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 was carried out. As a result, a comprehensivei nterpretation of the digital model for the development of agricultural entrepreneurship in Russia from the standpoint of technology and risks was proposed. The prospects for the practical implementation of this model through state support for the spread of digital technologies, as well as through risk management, are also substantiated. The key conclusion of the study is that at the level of entrepreneurship, the digital model for the development of the agrarian economy in Russia is characterized by the specifics of technologies and risks compared to the strategic direction at the level of the agricultural industry. This means that the prospects for the practical application of the results obtained are related to the distinction between state management of the digital development of agriculture as a sector of the economy and agricultural entrepreneurship, taking into account the specifics of their technological and risk profiles.

Methodology for Studying the Adaptation of Agricultural Entrepreneurship Subjects in Transformation

In the article, the methodology for studying the adaptation of subjects of agricultural entrepreneurship is considered as a set of methods used in agricultural science, a system of techniques, methods and rules of the scientific method of knowledge. Evaluation of the impact of digital transformation on the performance of organizations sometimes provides conflicting conclusions, shows that there is no positive impact of digital transformation processes on the performance of an organization, or confirms its significant impact on efficiency growth. The conditions of digital transformation affect the adaptation of the subjects of agricultural entrepreneurship, its forms, the behaviour of the subjects, the response. To accelerate digital transformation and reduce the time lag in obtaining an effect from it, measures are needed to influence the organizational and economic mechanism, including the development of special government regulatory measures aimed at "smoothing" differentiation in the level of digitalization of organizations, industries and regions; acceleration of digital transformation processes; co-financing promising projects; improving digital literacy of the population. The main measure of the state's influence on the digital transformation process is a multiple of the faster reduction in the cost of transmitting a unit of data; high level of security and availability, transition to determinable networks.

Issue № 10, October 2022, article № 12

Development of Freshwater Aquaculture in Russia: State And Prospects of the Industry

Freshwater fish are an important food of the population, which determines the need to develop its aquaculture in addition to prey from rivers and lakes. The industry is traditional for Russia. The aim of the study was to identify major aquaculture trends and prospects for industry transformation. Russia has large water resources, some of which are used for fish farming. Russia's share in global aquaculture production is insignificant and amounts to 0.33%. The main trend in the industry can be defined as an accelerating growth in the scale of the production of farmed fish. Freshwater aquaculture provided production of 84.5 thousand tons of fish in 2021, which is 42.0% more than in 2017. It becomes economically attractive, as evidenced by overcoming the deep unprofitability of the industry and reaching a positive profitability of the production of hydrobionts. The forecast for the development of aquaculture in Russia for the period up to 2030 is 600 thousand tons, of which at least 120 thousand tons should be produced by freshwater aquaculture. It is possible to ensure the planned growth in the scale of the industry under the conditions of alleviating systemic problems of its development (providing fish stock, import substitution of feed, increasing the level of material and technical equipment, maintaining a favourable epizootic situation), increasing the opportunities for the implementation of economic interests by agricultural producers, stimulating the development of high-intensity forms of aquaculture.