
Issue № 7, July 2024, article № 16

Assessment and forecast of the ecological and economic state of livestock farming in the regions of the Russian Federation

The development of livestock farming in our country occurs in a wide variety of geographical, soil-climatic and socio-economic conditions. The presence of objectively existing natural and agricultural zones largely determines the sectoral structure and economic results of the livestock sectors of the regions. Such a variety of forms in this sector of the agricultural economy creates certain problems when forming strategic decisions in both the short and long term. The situation becomes even more complex in the case of planning strategies taking into account the limitations of low-carbon properties, when from many feasible solutions it is necessary to choose compromise ones, that is, those that reduce the carbon footprint, do not worsen the economics of livestock industries and solve the problem of providing regional populations with livestock products. The purpose of this work is to create tools with which you can obtain estimates and forecasts of the environmental and economic state of livestock farming in the regions. A hybrid expert procedure has been proposed and tested, with the help of which it is possible to assess in the short term the dynamics of livestock, productivity, greenhouse gas emissions, animal protein production, and also to calculate specific characteristics, such as: per capita animal protein production, its growth rate over the forecast interval, payment greenhouse gas emissions from animal protein, specific gross income of livestock products per unit of emission. The listed forecast indicators can be obtained under various expert assumptions about the rates of basic characteristics of livestock industries, variants of demographic forecasts, and the distribution of cattle between forms of enterprises. The work groups livestock production in regions, represented by a set of environmental, economic and social characteristics, and shows significant group differences in these indicators over the forecast (until 2030) time interval. The results of the work are intended for use in the process of planning low-carbon strategies for the development of livestock industries in the regions.

Issue № 7, July 2024, article № 17

Issue № 6, June 2024, article № 2

Current directions for improving state support for the agricultural sector in Russia

agricultural sector is faced with serious tasks to significantly increase production, and the current forms and instruments of state support for the industry allow it to provide only an inertial development scenario. The analysis showed that despite the negative situation associated with external and internal factors, in 2023 almost all the main indicators of the State Program were met: there was a strengthening of the country’s food security and the development of import substitution. However, a significant negative trend is a decrease in the average number of workers in agriculture, a decrease in the level of profitability, low investment activity and an increase in the share of unprofitable and low-profit agricultural organizations. The article notes that the main task of state support for the industry is to create a motivation system in which every economic entity benefits and, in general, the efficiency of the entire industry increases. The author reveals the institutional basis for the formation of state support in the agricultural sector of the economy. An analysis of the areas of subsidies is carried out, their assessment is given, and it is emphasized that due to changes in business conditions, the main mechanisms of state support in 2024 have undergone a significant transformation. The article emphasizes the need to develop new approaches and forms of state support for the agro-industrial complex that can ensure dynamic and sustainable growth based on increased competitiveness and efficiency. It is noted that it is now extremely important to update the main goals, objectives and mechanisms for implementing the State Program; it is also necessary to update the Strategy for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex for the period until 2030.

Issue № 6, June 2024, article № 3

State Support of import–dependent sub-sectors of the agricultural sector of the Russian economy - the key to technological sovereignty in the industry: problems, principles and solutions

The conducted research is devoted to an urgent topic related to state support for import-dependent sub-sectors of the agricultural sector of the country's economy. It is noted that in conditions of risks and uncertainties associated with the sanctions of unfriendly states, the provision of domestic agricultural producers with means of production remains at an unacceptably low level. The influence of various measures of state support on the development of import-dependent sub-sectors of the agricultural sector of the economy is shown and its main forms are determined: direct, indirect, indirect. The multidimensional content of state support made it possible to consider the totality of elements of its impact on agricultural science – import substitution of high-tech means of production (breeding, seed, planting material, plant and animal protection products, tractors and agricultural machinery), food and economic security of the country. The basic principles of assessing state support for import-dependent sectors of the agricultural sector are given, based on the effect-cost ratio, when the accumulated benefit exceeds the total cost of their implementation. Special measures of state support for such import-dependent branches of the agro-industrial complex as the provision of agricultural production and processing industry with technical means and technological equipment, seed and breeding material, chemical plant and animal protection products are given. In a situation of high uncertainty, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has taken a number of operational measures to provide the domestic market with agricultural machinery, breeding and genetic material, and chemical plant protection products. Mechanisms and tools to ensure technological sovereignty in import-dependent sub-sectors of the agricultural sector are proposed, which can be used in the national project of technological sovereignty in the field of food security within the framework of the April 2024 instructions of the President of the country to the Cabinet of Ministers.

Issue № 6, June 2024, article № 4

Import dependence of agricultural machinery products: assessment, risks, management methods

Import substitution in the agro-industrial complex is a priority direction of the national strategy for ensuring the country's food security. The state program to support the development of the agro-industrial complex provides for stimulation of investment and innovation activities in order to accelerate import substitution. In recent years, significant results have been achieved in this regard in the field of agriculture. However, the high level of import dependence in industries related to agriculture, such as agricultural engineering, poses a serious threat to the agro-industrial complex as a whole and requires detailed analysis. The import dependence of the production of agricultural machinery remains both in the area of providing fixed production assets and in the area of providing material resources (raw materials, materials, components). Within the framework of this study, the author's methodology for assessing the dependence on imports to ensure the production of agricultural engineering products with material resources is described. The methodology involves calculating indicators characterizing the level of risk of import dependence. A risk map, which is constructed on the basis of the obtained values of import dependence indicators, allows you to classify risks by degree of criticality. The paper presents an algorithm of possible actions if risks of import dependence in supplying production with material resources are identified. The practical aspect of implementing this approach is illustrated by the example of an agricultural engineering enterprise in the Altai Territory, which allows us to assess the possibility of its application in a real business environment.