
Issue № 11, November 2022, article № 13

Experience of Canada in The Implementation of Export Policy in the Agricultural Sector

The effective development of agricultural exports has been declared a priority direction of economic policy in the Russian Federation. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the country's export potential in the agricultural sector, however, having an impressive size of the domestic market, significant opportunities for the development of foreign trade activities, Russia's global competitive advantages are manifested mainly in the raw materials market of agricultural products. An analysis of the experience of foreign countries in supporting national exports, including the agricultural sector of the economy, shows that almost all countries that are the largest exporters, including Canada, have a fairly effective system for promoting goods and services to international markets. The article presents the indicators of exports of agri-food products of Canada over the past five years. The article considers Canada's export policy in the agricultural sector, an important link of which are government departments and services implementing the main strategic directions of export development at the federal and regional levels, export support and promotion programs. An important element of the export promotion system is to support the production and marketing of products with high added value, the sale of which, unlike raw materials, receive much greater economic benefits. The study of Canada's experience in developing and strengthening the country's export potential in the agricultural sector may be of interest to the Russian agro-industrial complex.

Issue № 11, November 2022, article № 15

Features of Regulation of Innovation Activities in the Agricultural Sector of the EU

The article characterizes the main directions of European innovation policy, discusses the features of regulation of innovation activity in the agricultural sector of the EU, analyzes the dynamics of the main indicators characterizing innovation activity. The innovation policy is part of the European integration policy. In the EU, special attention is paid to the improvement of innovation policy, which is closely interconnected with industrial, agricultural, energy and environmental policies. The European Research Area, created in 2000, has become the basis of the emerging “knowledge society” in Europe, which mobilizes science, education, training and innovation to achieve the economic, social and environmental goals of the EU. In order to increase the competitiveness and sustainable development of the agricultural sector, the European Innovation Partnership in the field of agricultural productivity and sustainability has been created. It brings together agricultural producers, consultants, scientists, agribusiness enterprises and representatives of non-governmental organizations that implement innovative projects in the agricultural sector. The study of the European experience in regulating innovation activity in the agricultural sector in order to use it to improve the efficiency of investment and innovation processes in the domestic agro-industrial complex is very relevant during the transition of world food systems to a fundamentally new stage of technological development.

Issue № 11, November 2022, article № 16

The Role of Innovation Regulation in the Development of the Agricultural Sector Abroad (Using The Example of the United States and China)

The article examines the issues of regulatory support of innovation activity and its use in the development of the agricultural sector of these countries using the example of the USA and China, which have developed innovation systems. The State determines strategic directions for the development of innovation activities and adopts legislative acts aimed at ensuring their implementation. It has been established that both in the USA and in China, much attention is paid in legislation to creating favourable conditions for the development and implementation of innovations. Legislative decisions take into account the interests of each of the participants in innovation activities, ensure their rights and determine the conditions for their cooperation. Special attention in the legislation of foreign countries is given to stimulating the participation of private business in the development and commercialization of innovative developments, as well as the support of state scientific institutions and universities. The consistent policy of these States in the field of legal support of innovation activities has allowed these countries to form highly effective national innovation systems. The article examines the shortcomings of the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the scientific and technical sphere, and outlines some proposals for its improvement.

Land Market Development and Return Issuesin the Turnover of Unused Land

The purpose of the study was to analyze the degree of activity of the land market - as a factor that determines the opportunities and limitations for expanding land use in the agricultural sector, taking into account regional specifics. The information base was the materials of Rosreestr from the database of the EMISS from 2006 to 2020. The studies were carried out in the Russian Federation as a whole and on the example of the regions of the North-West, since they retain a high proportion of unused land and a reduction in the area under crops. To characterize such subsystems of the land market as the demand for land plots and their supply, an analysis of the cost of land was carried out, a typology of subjects of the North-West was carried out depending on the dynamics of its growth or decline, and the volumes of transactions and sales of land were considered. Based on the calculation of the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, a high inverse correlation was determined on the Chaddock scale between the volume of land supply and the cost of a unit area. For a more reliable identification of trends in the dynamics of sales of land plots, the moving average method was used, which made it possible to distinguish three groups of regions in the North-West - with large, medium and small volumes of sales. It is concluded that there is a large intra-regional differentiation, which indirectly demonstrates the maintenance of insignificant activity in the market turnover of lands in a number of subjects of the Federation of the North-West as a factor in curbing the growth in the volume of putting retired lands into circulation.

Differentiation of the Directions of Digitalization of Rural Areas (Using The Example Of The North-West)

The implementation of the Federal Project "Elimination of Digital Inequality" makes the digitalization of rural areas of Russia an objective reality that requires discrimination. Currently, the number of scientific publications devoted to the digitalization of rural areas of Russia is very limited. They have a disparate, most often staged nature and do not take into account the relevant foreign practice. The upcoming digitalization should be tied to each specific territory of the country in accordance with local conditions. The purpose of the study is to justify the possibilities of differentiated application of foreign experience in the digitalization of rural areas, taking into account the Russian regional specifics. When solving the problem "Analysis and generalization of foreign digitalization experience," the content analysis method was used. When solving the problem of "Differentiation of municipalities of the North-western Federal District," classification and typology methods were used. The official data of the Database of indicators of Rosstat municipalities were used. The differentiation of territories by the ratio of the number of urban and rural population, its density was studied. An analysis of foreign experience showed the presence of a number of options for the digitalization of rural areas: European (European Union), European (Lapland), Indian, Chinese, Nigerian, etc. Taking into account the results of the classification of municipalities of the North-West of the Russian Federation and the identification of their combined types, possible options for differentiated use of foreign practice have been determined. The binding of options for foreign digitalization to the allocated types of municipalities should be considered as a systematization of this process, taking into account the differentiation of local features, but by no means a tough recommendation. In each of the selected types there may be municipalities with distinctive features that require an individual approach.