
Public-Private Partnership in the Russian Agricultural Technology Transfer System

The authors' research is devoted to determining the role of the state in interaction with private business structures, the development of public-private partnership in the technology transfer system for modern agriculture, as a strategically important branch of the national economy that ensures food security and social stability in Russian society. The mechanism of technology transfer from the perspective of developers of new technologies and consumers of these technologies in the face of private business structures is considered. At the same time, the role of state structures in the regulation of the transfer mechanism was noted. The existing models of interaction in the system of agricultural technology transfer are analyzed; the most promising ones are identified. The study emphasizes that in order to ensure the effective functioning of all forms of agricultural management in the technology transfer system; the state should contribute to improving the efficiency of interaction of economic entities with scientific institutions in the transfer of new Russian technologies. It is concluded that the role of the state in the national technology transfer system will steadily increase. This will be facilitated by the need for accelerated development of agriculture, on a fundamentally new technical and technological basis. And the state, represented by state authorities, should coordinate and regulate the ongoing transformation processes, providing private business structures with appropriate regulatory and legal documentation, development programs for individual industries and sectors of the national economy.

Effective Contract As The Basis For Achieving Indicators Of The University's Performance In The Context Of Economic Sanctions Of Unfriendly Countries

A properly implemented effective contract is an individual assessment tool that allows you to determine the effective work of scientific and pedagogical workers of educational organizations, which contributes to the implementation of indicators of the effectiveness of the university's activities and indicators that ensure the establishment of admission benchmarks for training in higher education programs at the expense of budget allocations of the federal budget. In the struggle for ratings and results of control figures for admission, educational organizations often do not always associate them with the indicators of an effective contract. The article proposes a structural scheme for the introduction of an effective contract, ensuring the effectiveness and effectiveness of the activities of the educational organization and a scheme for the distribution of incentive payments within the framework of an employment contract and an effective contract for teachers, taking into account all types of payments and working hours. The algorithm for calculating the remuneration of scientific and pedagogical workers is given, taking into account payments for performance indicators and laminarity of labour duties. A description of the model has been made that allows educational organizations to predict the performance indicators of the university and calculate incentive payments under an effective contract.

Issue № 11, November 2022, article № 10

Features of Cattle Breeding and Feed Production in Territories Contaminated with Radionuclides after the Chernobyl Accident

In the distant period after the Chernobyl accident (April 26, 1986) in the zone of radioactive contamination, the task of obtaining safe livestock products (milk, cattle meat) satisfying the permissible level of radionuclides is put forward to the fore. At the same time, it is fundamental to solve the problem of creating a rational sustainable feed base that meets the objective economic requirements of production along the chain of "clean" feed – "clean" livestock products, which helps to reduce the dose load on the human body. In the near future, one of the real and cost-effective ways to solve problems in feed production, improve soil fertility and reduce radioactive contamination, along with the use of all traditional resources, is to increase the rate of liming, phosphorization, potassium, the use of optimal doses of mineral and organic fertilizers, the use of cultural measures. This will reduce the accumulation of radionuclides in feed, obtain "pure" cattle breeding products and bring the state of soil acidity, humus, phosphorus, and potassium content to an optimal level. To determine the whole range of measures to overcome and eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, new theoretical approaches are considered in the article based on the analysis of feed production data and the production of cattle products (milk, cattle meat). Specialized farming systems provide, on the one hand, expanded reproduction of soil fertility, increasing crop yields and productivity of natural hayfields and pastures, obtaining agricultural products that meet sanitary and hygienic standards, on the other hand, guaranteeing the environmentally safe functioning of agricultural production.